Revision [23769]
This is an old revision of AdminReleaseCheckList142 made by BrianKoontz on 2020-04-20 17:59:36.
Release Check List
Current Status: A. Pre-release
Version: 1.4
Version: 1.4
Check-list How-To
- Please use {{todo}}, {{done}} and {{failed}} to mark single items.
- Change the whole section status ({{open}}/{{closed}}) only when all the subitems are done.
- Update the current status above only when the previous section is closed.
A. Pre-release
These are checkpoints for the process up to the actual release.
Decide which tickets should be closedUpdate defaults
- installation pages
- default config
- Add default pages to external sql file
(we will do this starting from the next release)
Third-party software- installation pages
- default config
- Add default pages to external sql file
(we will do this starting from the next release)
- If new version is available:
Test (and fix) integration with Wikka- If new version is available:
Private alpha
- Announcements to be made at:
HomePage- Announcements to be made at:
Checkpoints for the actual release process
BuildFeed SVN
Feed download locations
Wikka site
Upgrade the Demo server to the latest version C. After release
On publishing new Wikka releases the following points should be taken care of.
Public announcementsThird-party software
- Notify third-party software authors/development teams about:
- New bundle (e.g.,
GeSHi in
- New version bundled (e.g.,
SafeHTML upgrade in
- Just that there's a new version of Wikka that bundles their software as before
- Authors of the following packages should be contacted:
FreeMind - Daniel Polanský - dan [dot] polansky [at] seznam [dot] cz ( -> - Notify third-party software authors/development teams about:
- New bundle (e.g.,
- New version bundled (e.g.,
- Just that there's a new version of Wikka that bundles their software as before
- Authors of the following packages should be contacted:
External sites
Detailed release notes
(Optionally) upload new screenshot for new features
Detailed release notes
Detailed release notes
Major additions only
Major additions only
Major additions only
Major additions only
Other tasks