=====Bad Behavior===== >>**See also** ~-[[ThirdPartyIntegration | Experimental 3rd party software integration in wikka]] ~-[[Docs:ThirdPartyInfo | 3rdparty software officially bundled with wikka]] >>::c:: Bad Behavior is a set of PHP scripts which prevents spambots from accessing your site by analyzing their actual HTTP requests and comparing them to profiles from known spambots. It goes far beyond User-Agent and Referer, however. Bad Behavior is available for several PHP-based software packages, and also can be integrated in seconds into any PHP script. (quote from the [[http://www.bad-behavior.ioerror.us/ | homepage]]). ====Integration in wikka==== === Bad-Behavior 1.2.x series === ''these instructions are for version 1.2.1 but should work for the whole 1.2.x series'' ~1. [[http://www.ioerror.us/software/bad-behavior/bad-behavior-download/ | download]] it ~2. unzip the file, go into the folder and make the following changes: ~3. add ##bad-behavior-wikkawiki.php## to the folder, with the following content: %%(php;1) config['table_prefix'].'bad_behavior_log'); define('WP_BB_CWD', dirname(__FILE__)); // Log failed requests to the database. if ($wakka->config['bad-behavior-logging'] == 1) $wp_bb_logging = TRUE; else $wp_bb_logging = TRUE; // Log all requests to the database, not just failed requests. if ($wakka->config['bad-behavior-logging'] == 2) $wp_bb_verbose_logging = TRUE; else $wp_bb_verbose_logging = FALSE; // How long to keep the logs around (in days). $wp_bb_logging_duration = 7; // Email address to contact you in case of problems // This will be shown to users on the error page, which means it will // be exposed to spammers! Bad Behavior will munge it automatically; you // should NOT munge it here! $wp_bb_email = $wakka->config['admin_email']; //***Callbacks*** // return a UTC date in the format preferred by your database function wp_bb_date() { return gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s'); } // run a SQL query and return # of rows affected, or FALSE if query failed function wp_bb_db_query($query) { global $wakka; $result = $wakka->Query($query); if ($result === TRUE || $result === FALSE) $returnValue = $result; else { $data = mysql_fetch_row($result); $query_parts = explode(" ",$query); $mysql_statement = strtolower($query_parts[0]); switch ($mysql_statement) { case "insert": case "delete": case "update": $returnValue = mysql_num_rows($result); break; case "select": $returnValue = mysql_affected_rows(); break; default: if($data === FALSE) $returnValue = 0; else $returnValue = 1; } mysql_free_result($result); } return $returnValue; } // Load core functions and do initial checks require_once(WP_BB_CWD . "/bad-behavior-core.php"); ?> %% ~4. install the mysql-table (replace wikka_ in the first line with your table-prefix - must be the same as in the wikka.config!) : %% CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS wikka_bad_behavior( `id` int( 11 ) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT , `ip` text NOT NULL , `date` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00', `request_method` text NOT NULL , `http_host` text, `request_uri` text NOT NULL , `server_protocol` text NOT NULL , `http_referer` text, `http_user_agent` text, `http_headers` text NOT NULL , `request_entity` text NOT NULL , `denied_reason` text NOT NULL , `http_response` int( 3 ) NOT NULL , PRIMARY KEY ( `id` ) ) %% ~5. upload the whole folder to ##3rdparty/plugins/bad-behavior/## ~6. add the following line to ##wikka.php## %%(php) //load 'bad-behavior' if ($wakka->config['bad-behavior'] == 1) require_once("3rdparty/plugins/bad-behavior/bad-behavior-wikkawiki.php"); %% => right before the %%(php;1171)// go !%%--- ===Configuration=== add %%(php) 'bad-behavior' => '1', 'bad-behavior-logging' => '1', %% to your ##wikka.config.php## **bad-behavior**: - 0: don't run bad-behavior - 1: run bad-behavior **bad-behavior-logging** - 0: don't log anything - 1: log failed request - 2: log all requests === Bad Behavior 2.0.x series === // note: this is a it's-working-for-me, i.e. an alpha version.// ~1. [[http://www.bad-behavior.ioerror.us/download/ | download it]] ~2. extract the zip-file and upload the content of the **subfolder** bad-behavior (i.e from admin.inc.php to whitelist.inc.php) to **3rdparty/plugins/bad-behavior** ~3. Add the following file as ##bad-behavior-wikkawiki.php## to the same folder: %%(php;1) $wakka->GetConfigValue('table_prefix').'bad_behavior', 'display_stats' => true, 'strict' => false, 'verbose' => false ); // Bad Behavior callback functions. /** * Return current time. * * @return string current time in MySQL format. */ function bb2_db_date() { return gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s'); } /** * Return affected rows from most recent query. * * not used. * * @return int number of affected rows from most recent query. * @todo write function. */ function bb2_db_affected_rows() { //return $this->getAffectedRows(); print "bb2_db_affected_rows"; } /** * Escape a string for database usage. * * @param string $string mandatory: string to be escaped. * @return string MySQL escaped string. */ function bb2_db_escape($string) { return mysql_real_escape_string($string); } /** * Return the number of rows in a particular query. * * @return int number of row */ function bb2_db_num_rows($result) { if ($result !== FALSE) return count($result); return 0; } /** * Run a query and return the results, if any. * * Bad Behavior will use the return value here in other callbacks. * Due to Wakka::Query() stopping in case of an error this will never return false. * * @uses Wakka::Query() * @param string $query mandatory: MySQL-Query to be executed. * @return mixed result of the query. */ function bb2_db_query($query) { global $wakka; return $wakka->Query($query); } /** * Return all rows in a particular query. * * Should contain an array of all rows generated by calling mysql_fetch_assoc() * or equivalent and appending the result of each call to an array. * * Not used. */ function bb2_db_rows($result) { while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) $return[] = $row; mysql_free_result($result); return $return; } /** * Return emergency contact email address. * * @see wikka.config.php * @uses Config::$admin_email * @uses Wakka::GetConfigValue() * @return string email adress of wikka admin */ function bb2_email() { global $wakka; return $wakka->GetConfigValue('admin_email'); } /** * Retrieve Bad Behavior 2 settings. * * Hardcoded in this file (see above) * @return array settings for bb2 */ function bb2_read_settings() { global $bb2_settings_defaults; return $bb2_settings_defaults; } /** * Write settings to database. * * Not used. * @return boolean FALSE */ function bb2_write_settings($settings) { return false; } /** * Install Bad Behavior 2. * * Not used, we'll use wikka-installer instead. * * @return boolean FALSE */ function bb2_install() { return false; } /** * Insert the javascript for the Screener into a html file. * * This is optional we'll fall back to cookies if you don't use it. */ function bb2_insert_head() { global $bb2_javascript; echo $bb2_javascript; } /** * Display stats (enabled by default). * * Used by {{badbehavior}} action. */ function bb2_insert_stats($force = false) { $settings = bb2_read_settings(); if ($force || $settings['display_stats']) { $blocked = bb2_db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . $settings['log_table'] . " WHERE `key` NOT LIKE '00000000'"); if ($blocked !== FALSE) { return(sprintf('

%1$s %2$s %3$s %4$s

', __('Bad Behavior'), __('has blocked'), $blocked[0]["COUNT(*)"], __('access attempts in the last 7 days.'))); } else return('Nobody blocked yet.'); } else return('The display of Bad Behavior stats has been turned off.'); } /** * Return the top-level relative path of wherever we are (for cookies). */ function bb2_relative_path() { global $wakka; return $wakka->GetConfigValue("base_url"); } // Calls inward to Bad Behavor itself. require_once(BB2_CWD . "version.inc.php"); require_once(BB2_CWD . "core.inc.php"); //bb2_install(); bb2_start(bb2_read_settings()); ?> %% ~4. install the mysql-table (replace wikka_ in the first line with your table-prefix - must be the same as in the wikka.config!) : %% CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS wikka_bad_behavior ( `id` INT(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `ip` TEXT NOT NULL, `date` DATETIME NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00', `request_method` TEXT NOT NULL, `request_uri` TEXT NOT NULL, `server_protocol` TEXT NOT NULL, `http_headers` TEXT NOT NULL, `user_agent` TEXT NOT NULL, `request_entity` TEXT NOT NULL, `key` TEXT NOT NULL, INDEX (`ip`(15)), INDEX (`user_agent`(10)), PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ); %% ~ 5. edit ##actions/header.php## and add the following line: %%(php;29) %% behind %%(php;28) %% ~ 6. edit ##wikka.php## and add the following line: %%(php;221) require_once('3rdparty/plugins/bad-behavior/bad-behavior-wikkawiki.php'); #BB2 %% before the %%(php;222) /** * Run the engine. */ %% == Issues == - no config-options yet. - it probably breaks with mode-rewrite=off - not all of the functions are finished (they require some changes which would be better located in the core), but none of these is used (at least in 2.0.10) - I should take a look at the version from Mike (see comments below) ---- CategoryDevelopment3rdParty CategoryDevelopmentAntiSpam