=====Bingo Action===== >>==See also:== Documentation: BingoActionInfo.>>This is the development page for the bingo action.::c:: the php code: %%(php) \n"; for ($i = 0; $i < 25; $i++) { if (($i % 5) == 0) print "\n"; if ($i < 12) { print "" . $words[$i] . "\n"; } elseif ($i == 12) { print "" . $wakka->ReturnSafeHtml($joker) . "\n"; } else { print "" . $words[$i-1] . "\n"; } if ((($i + 1) % 5) == 0) print "\n"; } print ""; } // Init & Check-Up srand ((float)microtime()*1000000); if (!is_array($vars)) { print "Error in action call, please refer to the documentation, aborting!"; } elseif (!is_string($vars["seed"])) { print "You need to specify a seed for the game card creation, aborting!"; } elseif (!preg_match($bingo_validseed,$vars["seed"])) { print "The seed you supplied is no valid page name, aborting!"; } elseif (!$this->ExistsPage($vars["seed"])) { print "The seed you supplied is no existing page, aborting!"; } elseif ($page = $this->LoadPage($vars["seed"])) { if(is_string($vars["joker"])) { $bingo_joker = $vars["joker"]; } // Get the words, clean up and shuffle $bingo_words = explode($bingo_delimiter,$page["body"]); $bingo_words = array_filter($bingo_words,"cleanup"); $bingo_words = array_unique($bingo_words); shuffle($bingo_words); // We need an array of 24 words $bingo_size = sizeof($bingo_words); if ($bingo_size < 12) { print "Your seed contains less than 12 valid words, aborting!"; } else { if ($bingo_size < 24) { $bingo_words = array_merge($bingo_words,$bingo_words); } if ($bingo_size > 24) { $bingo_words = array_slice($bingo_words,0,24); } print_card($bingo_words,$bingo_joker); } } else { print "Unknown Error, aborting!"; } ?> %% ====example css==== %%(css) .bingocard { border: 1px solid #000; border-collapse: collapse; margin: 5px; } .bingorow td { border: 1px solid #000; padding: 3px; text-align: center; } .bingojoker { background: #09d; } %% ---- CategoryUserContributions