User Page for ChrisCase

Hello! My name is Chris Case and I'm a software developer, with a long time interest in wikis. I enjoy wikis because of the abilities they pide, for organizing information and organically growing and evolving a base of knowledge, over time. I like WikkaWiki, in particular, because it is light weight, stable and relatively easy to work with.

My own wiki can be found at I actually customized my own template for this site and was pleasantly surprise at how simple and easy it was to work with.

I also have a technical blog, centered mainly around software development, Linux and system administration, at
Comment by BrianKoontz
2013-07-08 15:36:54
Comment by ChrisCase
2014-05-03 03:53:26
Thanks Brian! I'm enjoying working with this software. It's really helping me to get things organized.

I'll have to check on the status of how things are working on Git, so I can commit some changes.
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