Revision [331]

This is an old revision of ConfigurationOptions made by RichardTerry on 2004-05-19 20:25:16.


The following table describes the configuration options listed in the wakka.config.php file. wakka.config.php is generated by the wikka installer.

Option Default Descrioption
The host your MySQL server is running on. Usually localhost I.e., the same machine your Wikka site is on.
The MySQL database Wikka should use.
Name of the MySQL user used to connect to your database.
Prefix of all tables used by Wikka. This allows you to run multiple Wikka installations using the same MySQL database by configuring them to use different table prefixes.
Your Wikka site's home page. Should be a WikiName.
The name of your Wikka site. It usually is a WikiName and looks SomethingLikeThis.
Your Wikka site's base URL. Page names get appended to it, so it should include the '?wakka=' parameter stuff if the funky URL rewriting stuff doesn't work on your server. The wikka installer tries to guess the proper value. Change them only if you know what you're doing!
URL rewriting enabled = '1'. URL rewriting disabled = '0'.
action_path 'actions' The path to the action directory. It is relative to the root of your wikka directory.
handler_path 'handlers' The path to the handler directory. It is relative to the root of your wikka directory.
gui_editor '1' When set to '1', users see a toolbar when editing pages that allows them to apply some of the markup by clicking toolbar buttons. When set to '0', the toolbar is disabled.
stylesheet 'wikka.css' Specifies which cascading stylesheet to use. Stylesheets are stored in the css directory. (Make sure your webserver has read access to the css directory and the *.css files.
header_action 'header'
footer_action 'footer'
Specifies the navigation links that are output in the header and displayed to all users.
Specifies the navigation links that are output in the header and displayed to logged in users.
referrers_purge_time '30' The number of days referring pages (pages that link to your wiki) are kept in the referral logs. Setting this option to '0' or leaving it empty disables the referrer log. (I think. Does it really purge the log or does it simply not display it?)
pages_purge_time '0' (I'm not sure what this does. Why would you want to expire pages?)
xml_recent_changes 10 Number of recent change items that are sent when the RecentChanges feed is accessed.
show_spaces N If set to 'Y', new users will see WikiWords with spaces inserted (WikiWords -->
Wiki Words). Users can override this option by checking 'Show spaces in WikiWords' in the UserSettings page. hide_comments '0'
If set to '1', Comments and the 'Add Comment' form will not be visible. If set to '0', users can see and add comments. anony_delete_own_comments '1'
If set to '1', anonymous users can delete their own comments, provided they do so from the host machine they used to create the comment. If '0', anonymous users cannot delete their own comments. allow_doublequote_html '0'
If set to '1', users can insert arbitrary HTML into the rendered page using double double-quotes. If set to '0', users can insert arbitrary HTML into the rendered page. external_link_tail
This gets tacked on to the end of any external link as a visual indicator that the link points outside of the Wiki. By default the infinity symbol is used. sql_debugging '0'
NOT SURE WHAT THIS DOES YET. admin_users Admin user you setup at installation.
A list of users allowed to administer the wiki. (NOT SURE HOW TO ADD MULTIPLE USERS YET.) admin_email Admin email addres you setup at install.
Email address of the wiki administrator. upload_path 'uploads'
The path to the directory file attachments will be stored in. mime_types

default_write_acl '*'

default_read_acl '*'

default_comment_acl '*'

Password of the MySQL user used to connect to your database. meta_keywords


Lists wikka version number. (The config file warns against changing this. I don't know what would happen, but I'm not inclined to check at the moment.
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