Test-Creation of page with Non-WikiName.

It works! This is the Credits page. This is the Credits page.

Alternate way of creating the link Credits
Comment by DbieL
2006-03-19 18:27:40
I have been toying with this issue on our Wikki and wondering if there are other database reasons for not using Non-WikiNamed pages.

You may also be interested to know that you can create the link in a simplier way simply by surrounding the page name in double square brackes [[credits]] You may also note that it does not need to be in the same case as the page name itself. in this case all lower case. Since I believe that comments do not apply the additional formating, I will also show the example by editing the page itself.
Comment by NilsLindenberg
2006-03-20 12:45:04
> wondering if there are other database reasons for not using Non-WikiNamed pages.

I think it is more or less based on tradition (same goes for CamelCaseUserNames). But, in the process of building a regexp library, we will have to think about such things anyway.
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