Wiki source for CyClope

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CyClope is my most frequent pseudonym. I am the owner of this [[ | blog]], and have already experimented with wikis, mostly through [[ | Wikini]], another Wakka epigone, modified by french scholars. I am currently playing with Wikka [[ | here]]- I am afraid to say that it is just plain garbage at this time.

Wikka is very interesting, but lacks some SemanticMarkup. I am currently trying to apply the patch given on this page, for it is important to me; I hope someone will explain me the point I miss. I found the idea of DarTar very interesting, to build a web site running an InvisibleWiki engine, and will soon try to apply it. I had this idea a while ago, but didn't expect it to be that easy. Thanks DarTar.

I like the formatting toolbar of wikka, that recall me the one available for [[ | Dotclear]], a french blog engine (the one I use). It is very crafty, well thought, and I just have to do some modifications, for I can't use mod_rewrite on my home page... and the help function is broken because of this.

In fact, I am wondering if it is possible to create a brand new wikilanguage that would use the wiki2xhtml class. I think I will write something about it.
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