Comparing revisions for DanWestUserReg

>>==See Also==
~- UserMenus - Menus defined by a ''suffix'' added to the page tag.
~- Allows Admin to register users
~- Allows only admin approved users to edit pages
File: ##**header.php**##
>>Working for (maybe earlier versions too) to
==See Also==
~- Need link to original action by DarTar here.
~- Allows User in ""UserAdmins"" Group to register users //Requires Group ACL update//
~- Create a page with the ""{{userreg}}"" action
~- Put following code into the ##userreg.php## file in //actions// directory
Action: ##**userreg.php**## (Or name it what you like)
* Display a form for user registration.
* This action allows new users to register an account, if user registration is enabled.
* All the required fields are validated before the new user is created.
* @package Actions
* @name Register
* @author {@link Dario Taraborelli}
* @version 0.3
* @since Wikka 1.1.X.X
* @output form for user registration
* @todo
* - CSS to style form;
* - (optionally) drop WikiName restriction on usernames;
* - use core functions to validate fields;
* - use central error handler for printing error messages;
* - decide best strategy to link hardcoded login/logout page;
* - define welcome page where new users must be redirected;
* - (optionally) add option for email-confirmation of registered users.

// constants
define('MIN_PASSW_LENGTH', '5');

print $this->Format('===== New User Registration page ===== ----');

if ($user = $this->GetUser() && ($this->isGroupMember($this->GetUser(),"UserAdmins") || $this->isAdmin())) {

// user is logged in

// initializing variables
$name = '';
$email = '';
$password = '';
$confpassword = '';
$error = '';
$message = '';

// Is this the result from a signup
if ((isset($_GET['reg'])) && ($_GET['reg'] == '1')) {

// print first login welcome screen
$message = '--- **Registration successful!** ---';

// is user trying to register?
if ($_POST) {
// get POST values
if (isset($_POST['name'])) $name = trim($_POST['name']);
if (isset($_POST['email'])) $email = trim($_POST['email']);
if (isset($_POST['password'])) $password = $_POST['password'];
if (isset($_POST['confpassword'])) $confpassword = $_POST['confpassword'];

// validate fields
// note: all these validation checks should use core functions to preserve consistency

if ($this->LoadUser($name))
$error = 'Sorry, this username already exists. Please choose a different name.';
$validname = $this->Action('failed');
} elseif ($this->ExistsPage($name))
$error = 'Sorry, this username is reserved for a page. Please choose a different name.';
$validname = $this->Action('failed');
} elseif (!$this->IsWikiName($name))
$error = 'Please fill in a valid username (formatted as a ##""WikiName""##).';
$validname = $this->Action('failed');
} elseif (!$email)
$error = 'Please specify an email address.';
$validname = $this->Action('done');
$validemail = $this->Action('failed');
} elseif (!preg_match("/^.+?\@.+?\..+$/", $email))
$error = 'That does not quite look like an email address.';
$validname = $this->Action('done');
$validemail = $this->Action('failed');
} elseif (!$password)
$error = 'Please choose a password.';
$validname = $this->Action('done');
$validemail = $this->Action('done');
$validpassword = $this->Action('failed');
} elseif (strlen($password) < MIN_PASSW_LENGTH)
$error = 'Sorry, password too short (min. '.MIN_PASSW_LENGTH.' chars).';
$validname = $this->Action('done');
$validemail = $this->Action('done');
$validpassword = $this->Action('failed');
} elseif (preg_match("/ /", $password)) {
$error = 'Sorry, spaces are not allowed in passwords.';
$validname = $this->Action('done');
$validemail = $this->Action('done');
$validpassword = $this->Action('failed');
} elseif (!$confpassword)
$error = 'You need to confirm password.';
$validname = $this->Action('done');
$validemail = $this->Action('done');
$validpassword = $this->Action('failed');
$validconfpassword = $this->Action('failed');
} elseif ($confpassword != $password)
$error = 'Sorry, passwords do not match.';
$validname = $this->Action('done');
$validemail = $this->Action('done');
$validpassword = $this->Action('failed');
$validconfpassword = $this->Action('failed');
} else
// all required fields are valid and non-empty

// create user
$this->Query("insert into ".$this->config["table_prefix"]."users set ".
"signuptime = now(), ".
"name = '".mysql_real_escape_string($name)."', ".
"email = '".mysql_real_escape_string($email)."', ".
"password = md5('".mysql_real_escape_string($password)."')");

// log in
if($dologin=="Y") {
} else {
// forward
$this->Redirect('','User ' . $name . ' Registration successful');

$intro = $this->Format(' --- To register, the following fields are required:
~-a **username** (it must be formatted like a ##""WikiName""##, for example: ##""JuliusCaesar""##);
~-a **valid email address** (this will only be used to retrieve your password in case you lose it);
~-a **valid password** (min. '.MIN_PASSW_LENGTH.' characters, no space allowed).
--- ---');

// build registration form
$form = $this->FormOpen();
$form .= ' <table summary="Form to provide registration data: username, email and password">';
$form .= ' <caption>Registration form</caption>';
$form .= ' <tbody>';

if (isset($error))
$form .= '<tr><td colspan="3" align="center"><em class="error">'.$this->Format($error).'</em></td></tr>';
if (isset($message))
$form .= '<tr><td colspan="3" align="center"><em class="error">'.$this->Format($message).'</em></td></tr>';
$form .= ' <tr>';
$form .= ' <th align="right" scope="row"><label for="name">Username:</label></th>';
$form .= ' <td><input name="name" id="name" size="40" value="'.$name.'" title="Choose a valid username (formatted as a WikiName)" /></td>';
$form .= ' <td>'.$validname.'</td>';
$form .= ' </tr>';
$form .= ' <tr>';
$form .= ' <th align="right" scope="row"><label for="email">User email address:</label></th>';
$form .= ' <td><input name="email" id="email" size="40" value="'.$email.'" title="Fill in a valid email address"/></td>';
$form .= ' <td align="left">'.$validemail.'</td>';
$form .= ' </tr>';
$form .= ' <tr>';
$form .= ' <th align="right" scope="row"><label for="password">Password:</label></th>';
$form .= ' <td><input type="password" name="password" id="password" size="40" title="Choose a valid password (min. '.MIN_PASSW_LENGTH.' chars, no space)" /></td>';
$form .= ' <td align="left">'.$validpassword.'</td>';
$form .= ' </tr>';
$form .= ' <tr>';
$form .= ' <th align="right" scope="row"><label for="confpassword">Confirm password:</label></th>';
$form .= ' <td><input type="password" name="confpassword" id="confpassword" size="40" title="Type again your password for confirmation" /></td>';
$form .= ' <td align="left">'.$validconfpassword.'</td>';
$form .= ' </tr>';
$form .= ' <tr>';
$form .= ' <td></td>';
$form .= ' <td><input type="submit" value="Register" title="Register" /></td>';
$form .= ' </tr>';
$form .= ' </tbody>';
$form .= ' </table>';
$form .= $this->FormClose();

// output intro and form
print $intro.$form;

} else {
print $this->Format('--- ===You do not have authority to add users=== ---');
~- Clean up
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