=====Admin User Registration===== >>Working for (maybe earlier versions too) to (latest). ==See Also== ~- Need link to original action by DarTar here. >>{{lastedit}} ==What== ~- Allows User in ""UserAdmins"" Group to register users //Requires Group ACL update// ~- Does NOT login to the new registered user account Since I was using Wikka as a content management system and did not want the general public to be able to register, I needed to have a method to register users under administrator control. I hack up the user registration action from DarTar. The main function is it allows you to register a user but does NOT log you in after doing so. So it allows you to add a new user to the database with all the validations but will not log you in to that user. It also checks to make sure you have 'write' access to the page the action is defined on as a basic permission trigger to allow you to register users. ==Use== ~- Create a page with the ""{{userreg}}"" action ==Installation== ~- Put following code into the ##userreg.php## file in //actions// directory ==Code== Action: ##**userreg.php**## (Or name it what you like) %%(php) Format('===== New User Registration page ===== ----'); if ($user = $this->GetUser() && ($this->isGroupMember($this->GetUser(),"UserAdmins") || $this->isAdmin())) { // user is logged in // initializing variables $name = ''; $email = ''; $password = ''; $confpassword = ''; $error = ''; $message = ''; // Is this the result from a signup if ((isset($_GET['reg'])) && ($_GET['reg'] == '1')) { // print first login welcome screen $message = '--- **Registration successful!** ---'; } // is user trying to register? if ($_POST) { // get POST values if (isset($_POST['name'])) $name = trim($_POST['name']); if (isset($_POST['email'])) $email = trim($_POST['email']); if (isset($_POST['password'])) $password = $_POST['password']; if (isset($_POST['confpassword'])) $confpassword = $_POST['confpassword']; // validate fields // note: all these validation checks should use core functions to preserve consistency if ($this->LoadUser($name)) { $error = 'Sorry, this username already exists. Please choose a different name.'; $validname = $this->Action('failed'); } elseif ($this->ExistsPage($name)) { $error = 'Sorry, this username is reserved for a page. Please choose a different name.'; $validname = $this->Action('failed'); } elseif (!$this->IsWikiName($name)) { $error = 'Please fill in a valid username (formatted as a ##""WikiName""##).'; $validname = $this->Action('failed'); } elseif (!$email) { $error = 'Please specify an email address.'; $validname = $this->Action('done'); $validemail = $this->Action('failed'); } elseif (!preg_match("/^.+?\@.+?\..+$/", $email)) { $error = 'That does not quite look like an email address.'; $validname = $this->Action('done'); $validemail = $this->Action('failed'); } elseif (!$password) { $error = 'Please choose a password.'; $validname = $this->Action('done'); $validemail = $this->Action('done'); $validpassword = $this->Action('failed'); } elseif (strlen($password) < MIN_PASSW_LENGTH) { $error = 'Sorry, password too short (min. '.MIN_PASSW_LENGTH.' chars).'; $validname = $this->Action('done'); $validemail = $this->Action('done'); $validpassword = $this->Action('failed'); } elseif (preg_match("/ /", $password)) { $error = 'Sorry, spaces are not allowed in passwords.'; $validname = $this->Action('done'); $validemail = $this->Action('done'); $validpassword = $this->Action('failed'); } elseif (!$confpassword) { $error = 'You need to confirm password.'; $validname = $this->Action('done'); $validemail = $this->Action('done'); $validpassword = $this->Action('failed'); $validconfpassword = $this->Action('failed'); } elseif ($confpassword != $password) { $error = 'Sorry, passwords do not match.'; $validname = $this->Action('done'); $validemail = $this->Action('done'); $validpassword = $this->Action('failed'); $validconfpassword = $this->Action('failed'); } else { // all required fields are valid and non-empty // create user $this->Query("insert into ".$this->config["table_prefix"]."users set ". "signuptime = now(), ". "name = '".mysql_real_escape_string($name)."', ". "email = '".mysql_real_escape_string($email)."', ". "password = md5('".mysql_real_escape_string($password)."')"); // log in if($dologin=="Y") { $this->SetUser($this->LoadUser($name)); $this->Redirect($this->href('','','reg=1')); } else { // forward $this->Redirect('','User ' . $name . ' Registration successful'); } } } $intro = $this->Format(' --- To register, the following fields are required: ~-a **username** (it must be formatted like a ##""WikiName""##, for example: ##""JuliusCaesar""##); ~-a **valid email address** (this will only be used to retrieve your password in case you lose it); ~-a **valid password** (min. '.MIN_PASSW_LENGTH.' characters, no space allowed). --- ---'); // build registration form $form = $this->FormOpen(); $form .= ' '; $form .= ' '; $form .= ' '; if (isset($error)) { $form .= ''; } if (isset($message)) { $form .= ''; } $form .= ' '; $form .= ' '; $form .= ' '; $form .= ' '; $form .= ' '; $form .= ' '; $form .= ' '; $form .= ' '; $form .= ' '; $form .= ' '; $form .= ' '; $form .= ' '; $form .= ' '; $form .= ' '; $form .= ' '; $form .= ' '; $form .= ' '; $form .= ' '; $form .= ' '; $form .= ' '; $form .= ' '; $form .= ' '; $form .= ' '; $form .= ' '; $form .= ' '; $form .= '
Registration form
'; $form .= $this->FormClose(); // output intro and form print $intro.$form; } else { print $this->Format('--- ===You do not have authority to add users=== ---'); } ?> %% ==To Do== ~- Clean up CategoryUserContributions