=====Linking to documentation-pages in other languages===== Since we have more then one language now, we should think about the necessary links between the pages. My thought was something like http://www.openformats.org, i.e. you have a list of other languages shown somewhere in the page. My solution would be an action, like ""otherlanguages"" which you would insert into a page only once and which would display the links to the other pages. Comments? ~& Why not, but to do this we first need a //clean// server (possibly with limited ACL access to users willing to participate in the documentation project) and a strict respect of the naming conventions. I suggest we postpone this after the setup of a dedicated documentation server, like - say - ##wikkadocs.jsnx.com## (any suggestions for a better name). JsnX, you think this is feasible ? -- DarTar ~~&Are you asking if it is feasible to have a new subdomain named something like ##wikkadocs.jsnx.com##? Sure. By the way, I'm deferring to you, Nils, JW and others on multilanguage decisions. Just tell me what you need for resources and I'll make it happen. -- JsnX ~~&##documentation.jsnx.com## ? Yes, maybe it's better to wait with this, but why not collect some ideas? --NilsLindenberg ~~&After viewing OF system, it seems good to me. As Nils says, links to other languages (already translated and __not__-translated) would be good. I'm not very constructive atm, but I'll try to think about it and give a small idea about approaching this. -- PivWan ---- ==The 'quick and dirty' openformats approach== [[http://www.openformats.org Openformats.org]] adopts alphanumeric tags for identifying nodes and their language: for instance **en**, **fr**, **it**, *es**, are the top level nodes in English, French, Italian and Spanish; **en0** is the first subnode of the English version, **it20** is the first subsubnode of the third subnode of the Italian version etc. There are also a bunch of pages whose tags are camelcase-formatted, but they follow the same convention: **enLinking** is the English altlang of **frLinking** etc. I post here for reference the modifications I made to Wikka at openformats to support //horizontal links between corresponding pages in different languages// (in ""ODPian"" jargon they are called //altlangs//). This is definitely **not** a suggestion for an action to implement on this server (the code is dirty and tailored to the conventions in use at OF), but just a possible source of inspiration. **1. Store language definitions in your wiki** Create an ordinary page called ##Languages## containing language names and their code: %% de Deutsch en English fr Français it Italiano mg Malagasy %% **2. Create the action to automatically build altlangs ** Add the ##lang.php## action to ##./actions##: %%(php;1) GetPageTag(); $ctag = substr($cpage, 0, 2); #extract tag $cnode = substr($cpage, 2); #extract node if ($cpage=="main") { $ctag = "en"; $cnode = ""; } $page = $this->LoadPage('Languages'); $output = $this->Format($page["body"]); $couples = explode("\n" , $output); if (ereg("[A-Z](.*)", $ctag)) { #all public pages in openformats start with a lowercase letter // page is not public // display default menu bar foreach ($couples as $language) { $l = explode(" " , $language); $tag = strip_tags($l[0]); $lang = strip_tags($l[1]); print $this->Format("[[".$tag." ".$lang."]]")." "; } } else { // page is public // display navigation menu foreach ($couples as $language) { $l = explode(" " , $language); $tag = strip_tags($l[0]); $lang = strip_tags($l[1]); if ($tag == $ctag) { print $this->Format("**".$lang."**")." "; } else { print $this->Format("[[".$tag.$cnode." ".$lang."]]")." "; } } } ?> %% **3. Modify the ##header## action** Add the following code to ##./actions/header.php## at the end of the code, immediately after the closing ####: %%(php)
%% ----- =====MAIN PAGE LANGUAGES===== * SpanishLanguage * FrenchLanguage ---- CategoryDevelopmentDocumentation CategoryDevelopmentActions