=====Enhanced Image Action===== >>==See also:== Documentation: EnhancedImageActionInfo.>>This is the development page for the enhanced image action.::c:: The code here below is just a quick modification to the offical image action code. Only works from release! %%(php) $value) { if ($param == 'src' and $vars['url'] == '') {$vars['url']=$value;} if ($param == 'title') {$title=$this->htmlspecialchars_ent($vars['title']);} if ($param == 'class') {$class=$this->htmlspecialchars_ent($vars['class']);} if ($param == 'alt') {$alt=$this->htmlspecialchars_ent($vars['alt']);} if ($param == 'width') {$width=$this->htmlspecialchars_ent($vars['width']);} if ($param == 'height') {$height=$this->htmlspecialchars_ent($vars['height']);} if ($param == 'link') {$link=$this->cleanUrl(trim($vars['link']));} } } //sanatizing url and proofing if it is an image $url = $this->cleanUrl(trim($vars['url'])); $image = getimagesize($url); //if it is an image, prepare the output if ((is_array($image)) && ($alt)) { if (!is_length($width) || !is_length($height)) { $width = $image[0]; $height = $image[1]; } $output.=""; //link? if ($link && !$title) {$output = $this->Link($link, "", $output, 1, 0, 0);} elseif ($link && $title) {$output = $this->Link($link, "", $output, 1, 0, $title);} //make the output save and print it $output = $this->ReturnSafeHTML($output); print($output); } elseif (!$alt) {echo 'The necessary parameter alt was not provided';} else {echo 'The image could not be found or it was no image. Please check the url';} ?> %% Note that we have to change the function Link in the wikka.php, too: changing: %%(php) return $url ? "$text$external_link_tail" : $text;%% to: %%(php)return $url ? "$text$external_link_tail" : $text;%% ---- CategoryDevelopmentActions