>>Tested with: WikkaWiki version **** Example: [[www.prepare4descent.net/DescentiaPedia | DescentiaPedia]]>>====Extended Footer==== An extended footer can contain general site info, stats, links, etc. Generally this technique looks best with smaller print and less contrast than the content area of the page. Often darker and/or muted colors are used. If smaller text is used, more than one column should be used, and the info grouped appropriately. The default Wikka footer is a little sparse on the divs, as it should be, it's much easier to add what you need than to wade through lines of code you //don't// need. Here's how I added a two column extended footer to [[www.prepare4descent.net/DescentiaPedia | DescentiaPedia]]: First, find (in footer.php): %%FormClose(); ?>%% and, after, add: %%?>