Wiki source for FernandoBorcel

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=====Fernando Borcel=====

I came accross wikka when searching for a system that would help me write a book in collaboration with other people.

We currently have wikka installed for a closed - and small - community, and we're very happy with how this "little" program has helped us.

I might use it for some future projects, in open communities, but I would love to see some templating in this product, as to integrate it nicely with the L&F of the rest of my sites.

I'd also add ''multi language capabilities'' to my wishlist to make it absolutely perfect for me! After all, all my sites are in Spanish.

==Contributions to Wakka==

RecentChanges with a twist. Allows you to override the maximum amount of changes shown, and to enable/disable the XML icon. Nice to have for your home page, perhaps...

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