Wiki source for FileModificationTime
=====File Modification Time Action=====
This action allows you to display the modification time of any file on the filesystem. Save this as ##actions/filemtime.php##:
%%(php) <?php
filemtime action
Displays the modification time of a file
Syntax: {{filemtime path="/path/to/file"}}
$path = trim($vars['path']);
if (file_exists($path)) {
echo "<font size=-2>" . date("M d, Y h:i:s a", filemtime($path)) . "</font>";
} else {
echo "<!-- ERROR (filemtime): '" . htmlspecialchars($path) ."' not found -->";
If you find this action useful, post a comment and let me know! Also, feel free to comment with requests for feature enhancements. --JasonHuebel
This action allows you to display the modification time of any file on the filesystem. Save this as ##actions/filemtime.php##:
%%(php) <?php
filemtime action
Displays the modification time of a file
Syntax: {{filemtime path="/path/to/file"}}
$path = trim($vars['path']);
if (file_exists($path)) {
echo "<font size=-2>" . date("M d, Y h:i:s a", filemtime($path)) . "</font>";
} else {
echo "<!-- ERROR (filemtime): '" . htmlspecialchars($path) ."' not found -->";
If you find this action useful, post a comment and let me know! Also, feel free to comment with requests for feature enhancements. --JasonHuebel