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>>Download the latest [[ | Version]] Updated: July 24, 2006
{{lastedit}}>>fileview.php action:
The only variable is "location" set to the location of the directory you want to show files from.
save as ##actions/fileview.php##

""{{fileview location="uploads/*.*"}} will show all files in uploads directory ""
"" {{fileview location="uploads/*.zip}} will show only zip files in uploads directory ""
"" {{fileview location="uploads/pic???.jpg}} will show only jpg files with names like pic000.jpg pic001.jpg etc ""
"" {{fileview location="uploads/*/*.*"}} all files in all subdirectorys of uploads !!!""

Additionally you can set $md5checksum on or off in the fileview.php file to have md5checksums generated on the fly [off by default].
(Not recomended for large directories or files.)
Tested on FreeBSD, Apache Server. I don't know what windows would do ##leave comment##

Please comment if you find this action helpful It is my first "published" code and I would love to hear back from the community.


# Displays a table of specified files from a local directory.
# Currently this script has the ability to show ANY file on the local system
# I am working on a fix. I believe that a fix could be made that would only
# show files in the ./uploads/UserName/directory I just have to write it.
# Credit:
# This action is derived from a script I wrote to display downloads for php-nuke
# Credit should be given to the author of the files action for the funtion
# bytesToHumanReadableUsage (see below)
# @package Actions
# @name FileView
# @author {@link SmaugDragon}
# @version 0.9
# @since Wikka
# @input Url $location optional: the url of the files you want displayed.
# wildcards work fine ie.
# uploads /*/*.* all files in all directories under uploads
# uploads/ps_*.jpg all jpg files in uploads with names starting with ps_
# @Other Settings on|off $md5checksum_on off by default set to 1 for md5 checksum of files or 0 for off
# @todo 1.) Restrict which files a user can show
# 2.) I have to make files download instead of displaying that should fix 90% of my security worries.

/* CSS Info */

echo '<style type="text/css">
table.fv {border:1px solid #000; border-collapse:collapse; font-family:arial,courier,sans-serif; font-size:90%; }
td.fv,th.fv{border:0px solid #000; border-collapse:collapse; padding:5px; }
thead th.fv{text-align:center; background:#9cf; }
tbody th.fv{text-align:center; background:#69c; }
tbody td.fv{text-align:right; background:#DDDDDD; }
#ic{width: 0px;}
#nm{width: 80px; text-align: left; }
#sz{width: 80px; text-align: right; }
#mf{width: 80px; text-align: right; }
#cd{width:120px; text-align:right; font-family:courier; }

$md5checksum_on = 0; /* calculate md5 checksums (1 = yes | 0 = no) */
if (!$location) { $location = "uploads/*.*"; } /* if location is not specified show all files in uploads */

/* Taken from WikkaWakka actions/files.php */

if (! function_exists('bytesToHumanReadableUsage')) {
function bytesToHumanReadableUsage($bytes, $precision = 2, $names = '')
if (!is_numeric($bytes) || $bytes < 0) {
return false;
for ($level = 0; $bytes >= 1024; $level++) { $bytes /= 1024; }
switch ($level)
case 0: $suffix = (isset($names[0])) ? $names[0] : 'Bytes'; break;
case 1: $suffix = (isset($names[1])) ? $names[1] : 'KB'; break;
case 2: $suffix = (isset($names[2])) ? $names[2] : 'MB'; break;
case 3: $suffix = (isset($names[3])) ? $names[3] : 'GB'; break;
case 4: $suffix = (isset($names[4])) ? $names[4] : 'TB'; break;
default: $suffix = (isset($names[$level])) ? $names[$level] : ''; break;
if (empty($suffix)) { trigger_error('Unable to find suffix for case ' . $level);
return false;
} return round($bytes, $precision) . ' ' . $suffix;

/* End of borrowed Code */

echo "<table class=\"fv\" summary=\"This table lists the files ".$location."\">\n";

/* Comment the next 2 lines to remove the table header.*/

echo '<tr class="fv"><th class="fv" scope="col"> </th><th class="fv" scope="col">File</th><th class="fv" scope="col">Size</th><th class="fv" scope="col">Modified</th>';
if ($md5checksum_on == 1) echo '<th class="fv" scope="col">md5 Checksum</th></tr>'."\n"; else echo "</tr>\n";

foreach (glob($location) as $filename) {$filedesc = end(explode('/', $filename));
echo '<td class="fv" id="ic"> </td>';
echo '<td class="fv" id="nm"><a href='.str_replace(" ", "%20", $filename).">$filedesc</a>";
echo '<td class="fv" id="sz">'.bytesToHumanReadableUsage(filesize($filename)).'</td>';
echo '<td class="fv" id="mf">'.date ("m/d/Y", filemtime($filename)).'</td>';
if ($md5checksum_on == 1) echo '<td class="fv" id="cd">'.md5_file($filename).'</td>';
echo "</tr>\n";
echo '</table>';
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