=====Fileexport Action===== >>==See also:== - Documentation: FileexportActionInfo ==works with:== - Wikka & & >>//NOT included in any Wikka version//{{lastedit show="3"}} This is the development page for the Fileexport action. ===Installation=== - Save the first code block below as ##actions/fileexport.php## - Give it the same file permissions as the other php files in that directory. - Save the second code block below as ##handlers/page/fileexport.xml.php## === Code === <<##actions/fileexport.php##<< %%(php)category list\"]"); if (!defined('FE_ERROR_MISSING_PAGE')) define ('FE_ERROR_MISSING_PAGE', 'Can not export: page \'%s\' does not exist'); if (!function_exists('FEerror')) { function FEerror ($msg) { return (''. $msg .'
'); } } $output = ''; if (isset($vars['cats'])) { $categories = preg_split("/\s*,\s*/i", $vars['cats']); } if ( (isset($vars['opts']) && (!preg_match("/^[er]{1,4}$/i", $vars['opts']))) || (isset($vars['scope']) && (!preg_match("/^([oO]|[pP]|[mM]|[A-ZÄÖÜ]+[a-zßäöü]+[A-Z0-9ÄÖÜ][A-Za-z0-9ÄÖÜßäöü]*)$/", $vars['scope']))) || (isset($vars['type']) && (!preg_match("/^(html|rawhtml|xml)$/i", $vars['type']))) || (isset($vars['sort']) && (!preg_match("/^(time|tag|title)$/i", $vars['sort'])))) { $output .= FEerror(sprintf(FE_ERROR_REQUEST_FORMAT, FE_ERROR_USAGE)); } else if ( isset($vars['scope']) && preg_match("/^[A-ZÄÖÜ]+[a-zßäöü]+[A-Z0-9ÄÖÜ][A-Za-z0-9ÄÖÜßäöü]*$/", $vars['scope']) && !$this->ExistsPage($vars['scope']) ) { $output .= FEerror(sprintf(FE_ERROR_MISSING_PAGE, $vars['scope'])); } else { $type = (isset($vars['type']) ? strtolower($vars['type']) : 'html'); $query = '&type='. $type; $query .= '&scope='. (isset($vars['scope']) ? $vars['scope'] : 'm'); $query .= "&emb=". (preg_match("/[e]/i", $vars['opts']) ? 'y' : 'n'); $query .= "&rlnk=". (preg_match("/[r]/i", $vars['opts']) ? 'y' : 'n'); $query .= "&sort=". ((isset($vars['sort'])) ? $vars['sort'] : 'tag'); $query .= '&cats='; $first = true; if ($categories) { foreach ($categories as $lacat) { // sanitize categories if (preg_match("/^(Category[A-Z0-9ÄÖÜ][A-Za-z0-9ÄÖÜßäöü]*)\s*$/", $lacat, $matches)) { if ($first) { $query .= $matches[1]; $first = false; } else { $query .= '_'. $lacat; } } } } $output .= ''. sprintf(FE_DOWNLOAD_LINK_TEXT, strtoupper($type)). ''; } echo $output; ?> %% <<##handlers/page/fileexport.xml.php##<< %%(php)'. $msg .'
'); } function FEpage_data(&$thisone, $tag, &$page_content) { // pretend your are this page $thisone->SetPage($thisone->LoadPage($tag)); unset ($thisone->config['includes']); $page_content['raw'] = $thisone->page['body']; // prevent recursive calling $page = preg_replace('/\{\{\s*fileexport\b(.*?)\}\}/', "[fileexport action, $1]", $thisone->page['body']); $rendered_body = $thisone->Format($page, 'wakka'); // add page footer from FootnoteAction if (function_exists('FNprint')) { $rendered_body .= FNprint($thisone, 'list', '', $thisone->Href()); } $page_content['body'] = $rendered_body; } function FEhtml(&$thisone, &$pages, &$key_order, $embed_css, $css_path, $remove_links, $save_tag, $save_page, $raw=false) { $root_url = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; $header = "\n". "\n"; if ($fcss = fopen($css_path, 'r')) { if (!($stylesheet = file_get_contents($css_path))) { $stylesheet = ''; } else { $stylesheet = ""; } } else { $stylesheet = ''; } $header .= ($embed_css ? $stylesheet : '') .''. $thisone->GetConfigValue('wakka_name') ."\n"; $toc = ''; $file_name = $thisone->GetConfigValue('wakka_name') .'_'. date('Ymd'); foreach ($pages as $tag => $mypage) { // prepare mapping table for translation of intra-wiki links $pat[] = '/'. preg_quote('http://'.$root_url, '/') .'\?wakka='. $tag .'([^\w^Ä^Ö^Ü^ß^ä^ö^ü])/'; $rep[] = '#'. $mypage['i'] .'$1'; } $save_includes = $thisone->config['includes']; foreach ($key_order as $tag => $val) { $pagedata = array(); FEpage_data($thisone, $tag, $pagedata); $toc .= '
  • '. $pages[$tag]['title'] ."
  • \n"; if (!$raw) { // preserve intra-wiki links $pagedata['body'] = ''. preg_replace($pat, $rep, $pagedata['body']); } else { // remove all intra-wiki links for raw HTML $pat = '/<\s*a[^>]+href=([\'\"])'. preg_quote('http://'.$root_url, '/') .'\?wakka=.+?[^>].*?\>(.*?)<\/a>/'; $pagedata['body'] = preg_replace($pat, "$2", $pagedata['body']); } // relabel footnotes from FootnoteAction $pagedata['body'] = preg_replace("/href=\'\#(\d+)\#fn(\d+)/", "href='#fn$1_$2", $pagedata['body']); $pagedata['body'] = preg_replace("/id=\'fn(\d+)/", "id='fn". $pages[$tag]['i']. "_$1", $pagedata['body']); $pagedata['body'] = preg_replace("/href=\'\#(\d+)\#fnback(\d+)/", "href='#fnback$1_$2", $pagedata['body']); $pagedata['body'] = preg_replace("/id=\'fnback(\d+)/", "id='fnback". $pages[$tag]['i']. "_$1", $pagedata['body']); // if requested, remove external links including tail if ($remove_links) { $pagedata['body'] = preg_replace("/<\s*a[^>]+href=([\'\"])[^#][^>]*?\>(.*?)<\/a>/", "$2", $pagedata['body']); $pagedata['body'] = preg_replace('/'.preg_quote($thisone->GetConfigValue('external_link_tail'),'/').'/', '', $pagedata['body']); } else if ($raw) { // remove links tail $pagedata['body'] = preg_replace('/'.preg_quote($thisone->GetConfigValue('external_link_tail'),'/').'/', '', $pagedata['body']); } $output .= $pagedata['body'] ."
    \n"; } if (!$raw) { $output = $header .'


    '. $output . '
    '; } else { // remove last ruler from raw HTML $output = preg_replace('/\
    $/', '', $output); } // restore original values $this->tag = $save_tag; $this->page = $save_page; $this->config['includes'] = $save_includes; header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename='. $file_name .'.html'); header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1'); header('Expires: 0'); header('Pragma: no-cache'); print $output; exit(); } function FExml(&$thisone, &$pages, &$key_order, $remove_links, $save_tag, $save_page) { $file_name = $thisone->GetConfigValue('wakka_name') .'_'. date('Ymd'); $output = ''; $save_includes = $thisone->config['includes']; foreach ($key_order as $tag => $val) { $mytab = $pages[$tag]; $output .= ''. $mytab['owner'] .''; foreach (explode (' ', $mytab['cats']) as $mycat) { if ($mycat) { $output .= ''. $mycat. ''; } } $output .= ''. utf8_encode(htmlspecialchars($mytab['title'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8')) ."\n"; $pagedata = array(); FEpage_data($thisone, $tag, $pagedata); $output .= '\n"; if ($remove_links) { // if requested, remove external links including tail $pagedata['body'] = preg_replace("/<\s*a[^>]+href=([\'\"])[^#][^>]*?\>(.*?)<\/a>/", "$2", $pagedata['body']); $pagedata['body'] = preg_replace('/'.preg_quote($thisone->GetConfigValue('external_link_tail'),'/').'/', '', $pagedata['body']); } $output .= ''. utf8_encode(numeric_html_entities($pagedata['body'])) .''; if (preg_match_all('/\{\{structdata(.+?)\}\}/', $pagedata['raw'], $matches)) { // extract structured data items and add them to XML foreach ($matches[1] as $mym) { $structdatatype = ''; $params = array(); if (preg_match('/type=\"(.*?)\"[ \t]*.*?data=\"(.*?)\"/', $mym, $matches2)) { $structdatatype = $matches2[1]; preg_match_all('/(\w+?)\=\'(.*?)\'/', $matches2[2], $matches3); } else if (preg_match('/data=\"(.*?)\"[ \t]*.*?type=\"(.*?)\"/', $mym, $matches2)) { $structdatatype = $matches2[2]; preg_match_all('/(\w+?)\=\'(.*?)\'/', $matches2[1], $matches3); } for ($i=0; $i < count($matches3[1]); $i++) { $params[strtolower($matches3[1][$i])] = $matches3[2][$i]; } if ($structdatatype) { $output .= ''; foreach ($params as $myparam => $myval) { $output .= '<'. $myparam .'>'. utf8_encode(htmlspecialchars($myval, ENT_COMPAT)) .''; } $output .= "\n"; } } } $output .= "\n"; } $output .= ''; // restore original values $thisone->tag = $save_tag; $thisone->page = $save_page; $thisone->config['includes'] = $save_includes; header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename='. $file_name .'.xml'); header('Content-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8'); header('Expires: 0'); header('Pragma: no-cache'); print $output; exit(); } function numeric_html_entities($string) { $trans_tbl1 = get_html_translation_table(HTML_ENTITIES); foreach ($trans_tbl1 as $ascii => $html_entity) { $trans_tbl2[$html_entity] = '&#'. ord($ascii) .';'; $trans_tbl3[$ascii] = '&#'. ord($ascii) .';'; } // keep XML entities unset($trans_tbl3['<']); unset($trans_tbl3['>']); unset($trans_tbl3['"']); unset($trans_tbl3['\'']); unset($trans_tbl3['&']); $ret = strtr (strtr ($string, $trans_tbl2), $trans_tbl3); // translate '&' character if not part of a numeric entity $ret = preg_replace('/&(?!#[x]?[0-9a-f]+;)/i', '&', $ret); return($ret); } } $pages = array(); $error_msg = ''; if (isset($_GET['cats'])) { $categories = preg_split("/_/i", $_GET['cats']); } if ((isset($_GET['emb']) && (!preg_match("/^[YN]$/i", $_GET['emb']))) || (isset($_GET['rlnk']) && (!preg_match("/^[YN]$/i", $_GET['rlnk']))) || (isset($_GET['scope']) && (!preg_match("/^([oO]|[pP]|[mM]|[A-ZÄÖÜ]+[a-zßäöü]+[A-Z0-9ÄÖÜ][A-Za-z0-9ÄÖÜßäöü]*)$/", $_GET['scope']))) || (isset($_GET['type']) && (!preg_match("/^(html|rawhtml|xml)$/i", $_GET['type']))) || (isset($_GET['sort']) && (!preg_match("/^(time|tag|title)$/i", $_GET['sort'])))) { $error_msg .= FEerror(FE_ERROR_REQUEST_STRING); } else { $save_page = $this->page; $save_tag = $this->tag; $embed_css = ('y' == strtolower($_GET['emb'])); $remove_links = ('y' == strtolower($_GET['rlnk'])); $css_path = 'css' .DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR. $this->GetConfigValue('stylesheet'); $pagecnt = 0; $query = 'SELECT * FROM '. $this->config['table_prefix']. 'pages WHERE ((latest = \'Y\')'; if ('m' == strtolower($_GET['scope'])) { $query .= ' AND (owner = \''. $this->GetUserName() .'\')'; } else if ('o' == strtolower($_GET['scope'])) { $query .= ' AND (owner <> \'(Public)\')'; } else if ('p' == strtolower($_GET['scope'])) { // placeholder $query .= ''; } else { // a single page is exported $query .= ' AND (tag = \''. $_GET['scope'] .'\')'; } if ($categories[0]) { $query .= ' AND (body REGEXP \'Category[A-Z0-9ÄÖÜ][A-Za-z0-9ÄÖÜßäöü]*[[:>:]]\')'; } $query .= ')'; $rows = $this->LoadAll($query); foreach ($rows as $row) { $itscats = array(); if ($categories[0]) { $match = false; foreach ($categories as $mycat) { if (preg_match("/\b$mycat\b/i", $row['body'])) { $match = true; $itscats[] = $mycat; } } } else { $match = true; // sanitize categories preg_match_all("/\b(Category[A-Z0-9ÄÖÜ][A-Za-z0-9ÄÖÜßäöü]*)\b/", $row['body'], $matches); foreach ($matches[1] as $mycat) { $itscats[] = $mycat; } } if ($match && $this->HasAccess('read', $row['tag'])) { // this page is to be exported: pretend your are this page $this->SetPage($this->LoadPage($row['tag'])); // fill the 'pages' associative array $pages[$row['tag']]['i'] = $pagecnt; $pages[$row['tag']]['cats'] = implode (' ', array_unique($itscats)); $pages[$row['tag']]['lastchange'] = $this->page['time']; $pages[$row['tag']]['ts'] = strtotime($this->page['time']); $pages[$row['tag']]['owner'] = $this->page['owner']; $pages[$row['tag']]['title'] = trim($this->PageTitle()); $pagecnt++; } } // now, sort the associative array's keys if (isset($_GET['sort'])) { if ($_GET['sort'] == 'time') { $field = 'ts'; $fn = 'arsort'; } else if ($_GET['sort'] == 'title') { $field = 'title'; $fn= 'asort'; } } // default case: sort on tag if (!$field) { $field = 'tag'; $fn = 'asort'; } $key_order = array(); foreach ($pages as $tag => $mytab) { $key_order[$tag] = ($field == 'tag') ? strtolower($tag) : strtolower($mytab[$field]); } // do the actual sorting $fn($key_order); if (!isset($_GET['type']) || ($_GET['type'] == 'html') || ($_GET['type'] == 'rawhtml')) { $raw_html = ($_GET['type'] == 'rawhtml'); FEhtml($this, $pages, $key_order, $embed_css, $css_path, $remove_links, $save_tag, $save_page, $raw_html); } else if ($_GET['type'] == 'xml') { FExml($this, $pages, $key_order, $remove_links, $save_tag, $save_page); } } // display error message, if any if ($error_msg) { header('Content-type: text/xml'); $xml = "\n"; $xml .= 'GetConfigValue('base_url') .'/css/xml.css" type="text/css"?' .">\n"; $xml .= 'Error message'; $xml .= ''. $error_msg. ''; print $xml; } ?> %% ---- CategoryUserContributions