Wiki source for FlashMind

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===== FlashMind : Freemind Embedded into WikkaWiki using Flashplayer =====

FlashMind displays the FreeMind map using flash player instead of Java.

==== Basic Usage ====
{{flashmind url="" [width=x] [height=x]}}

==== Installation ====
~Download the visorFreeMind.swf file from [[ | here]]
~Download the SWFObject.js from [[ | here ]]
~put all the above files in `3dparty/plugins/flashmind/` directory.
~put the following php script in `actions/` directory.

* Renders a Freemind mindmap using embedded Flash player

* Usage: {{flashmind url="" [width=x] [height=x]}}
* Width and Height are optional arguments.
* @package 3rdparty/plugins/flashmind
* @name FlashMind
* @author {@link Pradeep Kishore Gowda}

* @version 0.5
* @input string $url mandatory: the url of the Freemind map
* @input string $width optional: width of the flash player
* @input string $height optional: height of the flash player
* @output Freemind map embedded in flash player
* @documentation {@link}

if (!$width) $width = 550;
else $width = (int)$width;
if ($width>950) $width = 950;

if (!$height) $height = 400;
else $height = (int)$height;
if ($height>950) $height = 950;

if (!$url) $url = $vars[0];
$url = $this->cleanUrl(trim($url));

if ($url)
echo '
<p style="text-align:center"><a
<script type="text/javascript"
<div id="flashcontent" onmouseover="giveFocus();">
Flash plugin or Javascript are turned off.
Activate both and reload to view the mindmap
<p><script type="text/javascript">
// <![CDATA[
function getMap(map){
var result=map;
var loc=document.location+"";
if(loc.indexOf(".mm")>0 && loc.indexOf("?")>0){
return result;
var fo = new FlashObject("3rdparty/plugins/flashmind/visorFreemind.swf",
"3rdparty/plugins/flashmind/visorFreeMind", '.$width.', '.$height.', 6, "");
fo.addParam("quality", "high");
fo.addParam("bgcolor", "#ffffff");
fo.addVariable("initLoadFile", getMap("'.$url.'"));
fo.addVariable("startCollapsedToLevel", "5");
fo.addVariable("openUrl", "_blank");
// ]]>

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