Revision [17660]

This is an old revision of FormattingRules made by DarTar on 2007-10-16 20:00:07.


WikkaDocumentation Wikka Documentation

The Wiki Formatting Guide

This is the Wikka formatting guide for version running this server. For an updated list of formatting rules available in the latest stable release (WhatsNew, please refer to this page.

1. Text formatting

Note: Anything between 2 sets of double-quotes is not formatted.


//I'm italic text!//
I'm italic text!

And I'm __underlined__!
And I'm underlined!

##monospace text##
monospace text

''highlight text'' (using 2 single-quotes)
highlight text

++Strike through text++
Strike through text

Press #%ANY KEY#%

@@Center text@@
Center text

2. Headers:

Use between six = (for the biggest header) and two = (for the smallest header) on both sides of a text.

====== Really big header ======

===== Rather big header =====

==== Medium header ====

=== Not-so-big header ===

== Smallish header ==

3. Horizontal separator:


4. Forced line break:

text before
and after a break

5. Lists / Indents:

Indent text using 4 spaces (which will auto-convert into tabs) or using "~". To make bulleted / ordered lists, use the following codes (you can use 4 spaces instead of "~"):

~- bulleted list:

~1) numbered list:
  1. numbered list
  1. Line two

~A) Using uppercase characters:
  1. Using uppercase characters
  1. Line two

~a) Using lowercase characters:
  1. Using lowercase characters
  1. Line two

~I) using uppercase roman numerals:
  1. using Latin numbers
  1. Line two

~i) using lowercase roman numerals:
  1. using Latin numbers
  1. Line two

6. Inline comments

~& Comment
~~& Subcomment
~~~& Subsubcomment

7. Images:

To place images on a Wiki page, use:
{{image class="center" alt="DVD logo" title="An Image Link" url="images/dvdvideo.gif" link="RecentChanges"}}

Links can be external, or internal Wiki links. You don't have to enter a link at all, and in that case just an image will be inserted. You can also use the classes 'left' and 'right' to float images left and right. You don't need to use all those attributes, only url is essential.

To link to other wiki-pages, write

To link to external pages, write

You can also embed links via HTML (see section 14. below):
<a href=>Google

To open a link in a new window of your browser, use:
<a href="" target="_blank">Google</a>

To add a reference to a document stored on a web server via a relative path, use:
<a href="../dirname/demo.doc">Click Here</a>

To add a reference to a document stored on a web server via a relative path (and open it in a new browser window), use:
<a href="../dirname/demo.doc" target="_blank">Click Here</a>

9. Tables

To create a table use this code:
{{table columns="3" cellpadding="1" cells="BIG;GREEN;FROGS;yes;yes;no;no;no;###"}} to give:

yes yes no
no no

### means the cell is empty.

10. Colored Text

{{color c="blue" text="This is a test."}} gives:

This is a test.

If you want to use hex values:

{{color hex="#DD0000" text="This is another test."}} to give:

This is another test.

11. Floats

Left floated box - use two < signs before and after the block
Some text in a floated box hanging around

Some more text as a filler. Some more text as a filler. Some more text as a filler. Some more text as a filler. Some more text as a filler. Some more text as a filler. Some more text as a filler. Some more text as a filler. This filler text is higher than the box so the next section starts on a new line below the box automatically.

Right floated box, use two > characters before and after the block
Some text in a floated box hanging around. And a little more to create a larger box. If the text in the box gets higher than the surrounding text, you'll need the "clearer" (see ::c::) to get new text to start on a new line below the box instead of next to the floated box.

Some more text as a filler. Some more text as a filler. Some more text as a filler. Some more text as a filler.

Use ::c:: to clear floated blocks... as done just below

12. Code formatters

Simply use %%(formatter[;#number]) code %% - for the formatters, see the list below. If you add a number and it is enabled in the config, you will have line numbers starting at #number.

Actionscript actionscript
ADA ada
Apache Log apache
ASM asm
ASP asp
Bash bash
C c
C for Macs c_mac
c# csharp
C++ cpp
CAD DCL caddcl
CadLisp cadlisp
CSS css
Delphi delphi
HTML html
Java java
Javascript javascript
Lisp lisp
Lua lua
NSIS nsis
Objective C objc
OpenOffice BASIC oobas
Pascal pascal
Perl perl
PHP php
Python python
Q(uick)BASIC qbasic
Smarty smarty
SQL sql
VB.NET vbnet
Visual BASIC vb
Visual Fox Pro visualfoxpro
XML xml

With the same syntax you can also use Wikka's built-in formatters: email, ini and code. If you haven't installed GeSHi php will be formatted by Wikka's built-in formatter, too.

Take a look at SyntaxHighlighter to see some examples.

13. FreeMind maps

See the FreeMind page on how to include FreeMind-maps

14. Embedded HTML

Use two doublequotes around the html-tags. Note the limitations on UsingHTML.

15. Converting HTML to Wiki

It allows you to paste HTML into a textbox and it will then convert it to Wikka Wiki markup (as well as a bunch of other Wiki dialects)

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