Revision [16707]

This is an old revision of FrankChestnut made by JwcUaj on 2007-05-31 10:38:28.


Frank Chestnut

Currently co-developer of the PostNuke CMS, I am building a PostNuke module based on pnWikka.
Currently working and living in France since 1999 in a family-own professional software company for music publisher.

pnWikka is a module for PostNuke based on Wikka. Since PostNuke already gives different technologies like an API, user management, permission system and a template engine, pnWikka became a "fork" of Wikka for PostNuke. Most if not all aspect of Wikka was rewritten to be PostNuke Compliant.

pnWikka is not available yet...

Example of a simple action rewritten in pnWikka:

The function...
function pnWikka_actionapi_ownedpages()

Check if user is logged in, if not, return with the appropriate message
if (!pnUserLoggedIn()) {
return pnVarPrepForDisplay(_NOTLOGGEDIN);

Get the username
$uname = pnUserGetVar('uname');

Get the pages
$pages = pnModAPIFunc('pnWikka', 'user', 'LoadAllPagesOwnedByUser', array('uname' => $uname));

If no pages - Todo: Make a difference between error and no pages
if (!$pages) {
return 'Error getting pages';

Initializing template engine
$pnRender =
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