Wiki source for FreeMindSandBox

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======FreeMind Testing======

""<!-- .............................................. don't edit anything here!!! .............................................. -->""
>>**See also:**
~-Not interested in Freemind? Go to the SandBox.
>>""<strong><span style="color: #CC0000;">Read this first:</span></strong>""
You are free to test the FreeMind features supported by Wikka on this page. To generate a map you can paste freemind data or link to an existing map. **Note:** depending on your browser/Operative system the plugin can take longer to load the map. Please do not remove the main header and this paragraph while editing the page and start **editing under the horizontal rule __BELOW__**::c::
""<!-- ........................................... start editing BELOW this line!!! ............................................ -->""
==New Mindmap==
<style type="text/css">
p { margin-top: 0 }
body { font-family: SansSerif; font-size: 12pt }



""<!-- ........................................... Please do not edit below this line ............................................ -->""
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