Comparing revisions for GrabCodeHandler

~-[2006-04-23] --- New version committed to the SVN repository (Revisions [[ | 49-51]]): code block syntax now accepts an optional value for filename: ##""%%(php;12;myfile.php) ... %%""##. If ##filename## is specified a small header for the code block is generated, and ##filename## is used as a title for the download button and as a name for the downloadable file.
~&Now that AdvancedFormOpen and ImprovedFormatter have both been installed on this site as a [[WikkaBetaFeatures | beta feature]], I've adapted the code above slightly to take advantage of the capability of the new ##""FormOpen()""## method to add a class to the form. The new code is now as follows:%%(php;334) #return $output;
~-[2006-04-23] --- New version committed to the SVN repository (Revisions [[ 49-51]]): code block syntax now accepts an optional value for filename: ##""%%(php;12;myfile.php) ... %%""##. If ##filename## is specified a small header for the code block is generated, and ##filename## is used as a title for the download button and as a name for the downloadable file.
~&Now that AdvancedFormOpen and ImprovedFormatter have both been installed on this site as a [[WikkaBetaFeatures beta feature]], I've adapted the code above slightly to take advantage of the capability of the new ##""FormOpen()""## method to add a class to the form. The new code is now as follows:%%(php;334) #return $output;
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