Revision [16719]

This is an old revision of GroupManagement made by OcsVez on 2007-05-31 10:41:13.



thanks for the kind permission given by VictorManuelVarela victor manuel varela, who achieved the basic concept.

the following changes have been made to the wakkaaliases:

the following functions are new to the wakka class:

aliases stuff, written by
function BuildAliasesArray () {
if (! is_array($this->config['aliases'])) $this->config['aliases'] = array (' ' => $this->config['aliases']);

check for aliases in Wakka pages
if (isset($this->config['aliases'][' '])) {
$aliasPages = explode(",", $this->config['aliases'][' ']);
for ($i = count($aliasPages)-1; $i >= 0; $i--) { any idea why the last page should be included first?
$aliasPage = $this->LoadPage($aliasPages[$i]);
foreach (explode("\n", $aliasPage['body']) as $line) {
stripping comments
if (preg_match("/^(.*)?#/", $line, $matches)) $line = $matches[1];

$atmp = explode(':',$line);
$aliases[trim($atmp[0])] = trim($atmp[1]);
$this->config['aliases'] = array_merge($this->config['aliases'], $aliases);
unset($this->config['aliases'][' ']);

function ReplaceAliases ($acl) {
if (!$this->config['aliases']) return $acl;

$list = array();
$new_acl = ; foreach (explode("\n", $acl) as $line) { $line = trim($line); // check for inversion character "!" if (preg_match("/^[!](.*)$/", $line, $matches)) { $negate = "!"; $line = trim($matches[1]); } else $negate = ;

if ($this->config["aliases"][$line]) $list = $this->GetMembers($line); else $list[] = $line;
$new_acl .= $negate.join("\n".$negate, $list)."\n";
return $new_acl;

function GetMembers($group) {
$result = array();
if ($group
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