Wiki source for HighlightSearchWikka12

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=====HighlightSearch Handler=====
>>==See also :==
Documentation : ""HighlightSearchHandlerInfo""
Other: SearchHighlighter, HighlightSearch, HighlightSearchWikka12
==Works with :==
Wikka 1.2>>//NOT included in any Wikka version//

This is the development page for the [[HighlightSearchWikka12 | HighlightSearch]] handler version Wikka 1.2.
For Wikka version 1.3.1 go [[HighlightSearchWikka131 | here]].
For Wikka version 1.3.2 go [[HighlightSearchWikka132 | here]].
Previous version for Wikka version < 1.2 is also [[HighlightSearch | available]].
RolandStens did [[SearchHighlighter]] based on Javascript. Here is my contribution in PHP. The work is based on show.php handler and a small part of textsearchexpanded.php action. You can see this new handler in action [[ | here]].

- Save the code block below as ##/plugins/handlers/page/highlightsearch.php##
- Give it the same file permissions as the other php files in that directory

1. New /plugins/handlers/page/highlightsearch.php file

* Display a page if the user has read access or is an admin.
* This is the default page handler used by Wikka when no other handler is specified.
* Depending on user privileges, it displays the page body or an error message. It also
* displays footer comments and a form to post comments, depending on ACL and general
* config settings.
* @package Handlers
* @subpackage Page
* @version $Id$
* @license GNU General Public License
* @filesource
* @uses Wakka::Format()
* @uses Wakka::FormClose()
* @uses Wakka::FormOpen()
* @uses Wakka::GetConfigValue()
* @uses Wakka::GetPageTag()
* @uses Wakka::GetUser()
* @uses Wakka::GetUserName()
* @uses Wakka::HasAccess()
* @uses Wakka::Href()
* @uses Wakka::htmlspecialchars_ent()
* @uses Wakka::LoadComments()
* @uses Wakka::LoadPage()
* @uses Wakka::LoadUser()
* @uses Wakka::UserIsOwner()
* @uses Config::$anony_delete_own_comments
* @uses Config::$hide_comments
* @todo move <div> to template;
* necessary) - #312

define('SHOW_OLD_REVISION_SOURCE', 0); # if set to 1 shows by default the source of an old revision instead of the rendered version

//validate URL parameters
$raw = (!empty($_GET['raw']))? (int) $this->GetSafeVar('raw', 'get') : SHOW_OLD_REVISION_SOURCE;

echo '<div id="content"';
echo (($user = $this->GetUser()) && ($user['doubleclickedit'] == 'N') || !$this->HasAccess('write')) ? '' : ' ondblclick="document.location=\''.$this->Href('edit', '', 'id='.$this->page['id']).'\';" '; #268
echo '>'."\n"; //TODO: move to templating class

if (!$this->HasAccess('read'))
echo '<p><em class="error">You aren\'t allowed to read this page.</em></p>';
echo "\n".'</div><!--closing page content-->'."\n"; //TODO: move to templating class
if (!$this->page)
echo '<p>This page doesn\'t exist yet. Maybe you want to <a href="'.$this->Href('edit').'">create</a> it?</p>';
echo '</div><!--closing page content-->'."\n"; //TODO: move to templating class
if ($this->page['latest'] == 'N')
echo '<div class="revisioninfo">'."\n";
echo '<h4>Revision ['.$this->page['id'].']</h4>'."\n";
echo 'This is an <a href="'.$this->Href('revisions').'">old revision</a> of <a href="'.$this->Href().'">'.$this->GetPageTag().'</a> made by '.$this->page['user'].' on <span class="datetime">'.$this->page['time'].'</span>.'."\n";
<br />
<?php echo $this->FormOpen('show', '', 'GET', '', 'left') ?>
<input type="hidden" name="time" value="<?php echo $this->GetSafeVar('time', 'get') ?>" />
<input type="hidden" name="raw" value="<?php echo ($raw == 1)? '0' :'1' ?>" />
<button type="submit" value="<?php echo ($raw == 1)? 'Show formatted' : 'Show source' ?>"><?php echo ($raw == 1)? 'Show formatted' : 'Show source' ?></button> 
<?php echo $this->FormClose(); ?>
// if this is an old revision, display some buttons
if ($this->HasAccess('write'))
// added if encapsulation : in case where some pages were brutally deleted from database
if ($latest = $this->LoadPage($this->tag))
<?php echo $this->FormOpen('edit') ?>
<input type="hidden" name="previous" value="<?php echo $latest['id'] ?>" />
<input type="hidden" name="body" value="<?php echo $this->htmlspecialchars_ent($this->page['body']) ?>" />
<button type="submit" value="Re-edit this old revision">Re-edit this old revision</button>
<?php echo $this->FormClose(); ?>
echo '<div class="clear"></div></div>'."\n";
// display page
if (isset($_REQUEST['search']) && ($search = $_REQUEST['search'])) {
$search_re = stripslashes(trim($search));
if ($search_re) {
// display page with highlighted string
$txt_stripped = $this->Format($this->page['body'], 'wakka');
// The evil REGEXP
$pattern = '/('.$this->htmlspecialchars_ent($search_re).')(?![^<]*?>)/i';
$highlightMatch = preg_replace($pattern,'<<$1>>',$txt_stripped,-1);
$matchText = str_replace(array('<<', '>>'), array('<span class="tse_keywords">', '</span>'), $highlightMatch);
echo $matchText;
} else if ($raw == 1)
echo '<div class="wikisource">'.nl2br($this->htmlspecialchars_ent($this->page["body"], ENT_QUOTES)).'</div>';
echo $this->Format($this->page['body'], 'wakka', 'page');
<div style="clear: both"></div>
</div><!-- END PAGE CONTENT -->
if ($this->GetConfigValue('hide_comments') != 1)
// load comments for this page
$comments = $this->LoadComments($this->tag);

// store comments display in session
$tag = $this->GetPageTag();
if (!isset($_SESSION['show_comments'][$tag]))
$_SESSION['show_comments'][$tag] = ($this->UserWantsComments() ? '1' : '0');
if (isset($_GET['show_comments'])) #312
switch($_GET['show_comments']) #312
case "0":
$_SESSION['show_comments'][$tag] = 0;
case "1":
$_SESSION['show_comments'][$tag] = 1;
<div id="comments">
if ($_SESSION['show_comments'][$tag])
<div id="commentheader">
Comments [<a href="<?php echo $this->Href('', '', 'show_comments=0') ?>">Hide comments/form</a>]
// display comments themselves
if ($comments)
$current_user = $this->GetUserName();
echo '<div id="commentlist">'."\n";
foreach ($comments as $comment)
echo '<div class="comment">'."\n".
'<span id="comment_'.$comment['id'].'"></span>'.$comment['comment']."\n".
"\t".'<div class="commentinfo">'."\n-- ";
echo ($this->LoadUser($comment['user']))? $this->Format($comment['user']) : $comment['user']; // #84
echo ' ('.$comment['time'].')'."\n";
$current_user = $this->GetUserName();
if ($this->UserIsOwner() || $current_user == $comment['user'] || ($this->config['anony_delete_own_comments'] && $current_user == $comment['user']) )
echo $this->FormOpen("delcomment");
<input type="hidden" name="comment_id" value="<?php echo $comment['id'] ?>" />
<input type="submit" value="Delete Comment" />
echo $this->FormClose();
echo "\n\t".'</div>'."\n";
echo '</div>'."\n";
echo '</div>'."\n";
// display comment form
echo '<div id="commentform">'."\n";
if ($this->HasAccess('comment'))
<?php echo $this->FormOpen('addcomment'); ?>
<label for="commentbox">Add a comment to this page:<br />
<textarea id="commentbox" name="body" rows="6" cols="78"></textarea><br />
<button type="submit" value="Add Comment" accesskey="s">Add Comment</button>
<?php echo $this->FormClose(); ?>
echo '</div>'."\n";
<div id="commentheader">
switch (count($comments))
case 0:
echo 'There are no comments on this page. ';
$showcomments_text = 'Add comment';
case 1:
echo 'There is one comment on this page. ';
$showcomments_text = 'Display comment';
echo 'There are '.count($comments).' comments on this page. ';
$showcomments_text = 'Display comments';
[<a href="<?php echo $this->Href('', '', 'show_comments=1#comments'); ?>"><?php echo $showcomments_text; ?></a>]</p>
2. In textsearch.php action, change only one line :
Old textsearch.php source code (line 85) :
%%(php)$result_page_list .= ($i+1).". ".$this->Link($page["tag"],"<br />\n";%%
New textsearch.php source code (line 85) :
%%(php)$result_page_list .= ($i+1).". ".$this->Link($page["tag"],'highlightsearch&search='.$phrase)."<br />\n";%%
3. That's all !

==Remark :==
For a better integration in your wiki, you can also replace 'show' handler.
- rename or save handlers/page/show.php in handlers/page/show_ref.php
- copy and rename plugins/handlers/page/highlightsearch.php in handlers/page/show.php
- change 'highlightsearch' by 'show' in actions/textsearch.php (step 2. above)
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