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==== Welcome to ""WikkaWiki"" ====

""<div style="float:left; margin: 10px 0 10px 0; padding: 10px 15px 10px 15px; width:97%; background-color:#FEE; border:1px solid #EDD">
<p>[19Apr2020] Announcing the release of <strong><a href="">WikkaWiki 1.4.2</a></strong> <br />
<a href="">What's new</a>::<a href="">Live demo</a>
<p><strong>Important</strong>: If you are upgrading, it's imperative that you read the <a href="">upgrade notes</a>, and that you BACK UP YOUR DATABASE! This release has been tested with MySQL 5.7.21 and PHP 7.2.4. Versions of PHP < 7.0 are no longer supported. For further details on system requirements please visit the <a href="">system requirements page</a>.

{{image class="right" src="" alt="Wikka Wizard" title="WikkaWiki"}}
**""WikkaWiki""** is a [[Docs:FlexibleWikka|flexible]], [[Docs:WikkaStandards | standards-compliant]] and [[Docs:LightweightInfo | lightweight]] [[Docs:WikiEngine | wiki engine]] written in [[Docs:PHP | PHP]], which uses [[Docs:MySQL | MySQL]] to store pages. Forked from [[Docs:WakkaWiki | WakkaWiki]]. Designed for [[Docs:SpeedInfo | speed]], [[Docs:ExtensibleInfo | extensibility]], and security. Released under the [[Docs:LicenseInfo | GPL]] license.

~- [[Docs:WikkaFeatures | Features]]: things you can do with Wikka.
~- [[Docs:SystemRequirements | System requirements]]: what you need to install the package.
~- [[WikkaFeaturedSites | The Wikka showcase]]: featured websites powered by WikkaWiki.
~- [[WikkaSites | Wikka sites]]: a comprehensive list of Wikka-powered websites in 37 languages.
~- [[IndependentWikkaReviews | Wikka reviews]]: what people say about Wikka.
~- See [[Docs:WikkaInAction | Wikka in action]]! {{image url="images/action/qt.gif" alt="quicktime icon" title="Wikka clips"}}

::c::{{latestfiles show="stable" stableversion="1.4.2" stablereleasedate="19Apr2020"}}
===Quick help===
~-[[Docs:WikkaInstallation | Installing]]
~-[[Docs:UpgradeNotes | Upgrading]]
~-[[Docs:UpgradingFromWakkaWiki | Migrating from WakkaWiki]]
~-[[WikkaWorkarounds | Troubleshooting]]
===Documentation ===
Need help? Check the official [[Docs:HomePage | Wikka Documentation]].

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===Bugs and features requests ===
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If you are interested in how to adapt Wikka to //speak your language// or //support non-western writing systems//, you can learn more on [[WikkaLocalization | this page]].

Interested in how to integrate Wikka with your blog or forum? You can check out the [[WikkaIntegration | list of current integration projects]] with other software, including CMS, blog engines, bulletin boards, etc...
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<a href=""><img src="" alt="feed icon" title="Subscribe to the release announcements feed" /></a> announcement of new releases<br />
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Recently changed pages on this server can also be displayed as a ""<a href="" title="Open mindmap in a new window" target="_blank"><img alt="mm icon" src="images/mm.png" /></a>"" [[MindMapRecentChanges | mindmap]] .

===Support this project ===
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Wikka is brought to you by this amazing [[CreditsPage | crew]].

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