Revision [5859]
This is an old revision of IanHayhurst made by IanHayhurst on 2005-02-10 11:53:01.
Ian Hayhurst
I am an 'Informatics IT specialist' er that's a UNIX sysadmin for a large Agrochemical company, in the Research and Development IS department
(as opposed to the IS department that services the business) We support the company scientific research community. More specifically, in my case Chemistry Informatics systems.
My Interest in Wikka
I have an internal (intranet) install of Wakka Wiki. This is quite suprising / unusual / subversive in an organisation that is unfortunatle strongly orientated towards applications that have a particular vendor bias (I'll leave that to your imagination.... you don't have to think too hard to guess which it might be)The use of Wikka is an experiment In our organisation (and seemingly very sucesfull so far) that sprang from a meeting following a periodic re-organisation of the department that left us very much spread over UK, mainland Europe and the U.S. but with the requirement to work in a much more co-ordinated way. Intranets were used (in my opinion) in a awkward or unimaginative manner and percieved as a mechanism for location of information stored largely wordprocessor / spreadsheet documents. This was something along the lines of a slightly more colourful file share and quite static. Access to this required considerable inertia as the prefered method was via frontpage. Islands of information become stale and if you found what you were looking for it was rarely current.
contact info :[]
What I'm trying to acomplish (With this page)
A sort of blog of the journey.unsorted stream of consciousness follows for now:-
How the interest grew, Reactions, what worked, what didnt
features that help , ideas for what is required...
how to explain categories to people (harder than you think)
Upgrade Migration experiences (started with now on
For now I'm running our installation on an HP / Compaq AlphaDS10 with Gentoo Linux, Gigabit ethernet...
(Nothing wrong with Tru64 infact it's a fine OS more later...
I converted the box to Gentoo linux as an experiment to run some alternative architectures for
a server farm (we do a fair ammount with server farms for compute intensive chemo/bioinformatics)
actually so far I'm very happy with my little Gentoo/GNU Linux on Alpha... for a bigger system I miss the flexability that the Tru64 ADVFS filesystem brings