Revision [16720]

This is an old revision of ImagePop made by BmfQz3 on 2007-05-31 10:41:16.


Image Popup

The following action places a thumbnail image on the page and provides a link to a popup window that contains a larger image. I found this useful for some documentation where I didnt want to clutter the screen up with lots of screenshots, but wanted to make them available for users to click on if they wanted them.
Place this code in the actions directory as imagepop.php

if (is_array($vars))
foreach ($vars as $param => $value)
if ($param
'src' and $vars['url']
) {$vars['url']=$value;}
if ($param 'class') {$class=$this->htmlspecialchars_ent($vars['class']);}
$url = $this->cleanUrl(trim($vars['url']));
$url_b = str_replace("_t.", ".", $url);

$output = "
<script type=\"text/javascript\"> = null;
ImgFun.sticky = true;
ImgFun.clickclose = true;

ImgFun(url, title) {
if (
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