I found WikkaWiki when I was searching for a solution for my company's internal need to implement a simple, fast and feature rich "CMS" system. Spending 2 hours opening up the source code, I FALL IN LOVE WITH WIKKAWIKI. The actions, formatters, and handlers concept was awesome. I don't know if this is original implemention of WikkaWiki or based on WakkaWiki, but still, this is something that I adore so much.

To further emphasize the beauty of Wikka, I am an ASP programmer, with little PHP experience, but I can understand the code almost instantly (ofcourse except for the RegEx :-), take me quite sometime to RTFM to found out what most code on wakka.php mean). I've created a test site on my server to play around with WikkaWiki. Feel free to visit and drop me some comments.

Wikka User's List
Comment by NilsLindenberg
2005-03-23 16:38:23
Welcome here and thank you for your suggestion. [Adding my standard-phrase: :)] Please add CategoryUsers to the bottom of your page.
Comment by DotMG
2005-03-31 08:02:33
WikkaWiki is based on WakkaWiki.
On your test site, you link the url http://wikka.jsnx.com with text WakkaWiki. Note that 2 are different, WikkaWIki is at http://wikka.jsnx.com and WakkaWiki is at http://wakkawiki.de. (I didn't correct it myself because I don't want my IP address to be shown on your site, since I'm not registered :)

What do you mean by emphasize the beauty? If it's about colors and fonts, there's just one single file you have to modify: wikka.css
Comment by IvanLanin
2005-04-01 18:18:41
Ups, yup, you're right :) I think I was sleepy when typing it.

What I mean is that the code of Wikka is so easy to understand, even for an unexperienced PHP programmer.
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