===== JSMath Integration ===== >>**See also:** ~-[[ThirdPartyIntegration | Experimental 3rd party software integration in wikka]] ~-[[Docs:ThirdPartyInfo | 3rdparty software officially bundled with wikka]] **External links:** ~-[[http://wiki.infopa.net/ | INFOPedia]] - a Wikka-powered wiki with JSMath support. >>::c:: JSMath is an easy-to-use script that allows one to display complex mathematics in web pages using JavaScript. The way the script is structured should make it simple to integrate into Wikka. Integration into Wikka would allow users to display complex mathematics using LaTeX markup, making Wikka useful for mathematical resources. JSMath has a homepage [[http://www.math.union.edu/~dpvc/jsMath/welcome.html | here]]. A more thorough explanation of the way in which JSMath works is [[http://www.math.union.edu/~dpvc/jsMath/authors/welcome.html | here]]. ---- Here's a quick hack to integrate JSMath in Wikka ====The code==== ''Version 0.1'' ==1. Download and save the package == Get the [[http://www.math.union.edu/~dpvc/jsMath/download/jsMath.html | package]], unzip it and upload the files in the following folder in your Wikka directory: ##3rdparty/plugins/jsmath/## ==2. Modify ##wikka.config.php##== Add the JSMath options to the configuration file: **original** %%(php;20) "geshi_path" => "3rdparty/plugins/geshi", "geshi_languages_path" => "3rdparty/plugins/geshi/geshi", %% **modified** %%(php;20) "geshi_path" => "3rdparty/plugins/geshi", "geshi_languages_path" => "3rdparty/plugins/geshi/geshi", "enable_jsmath" => "1", "jsmath_path" => "3rdparty/plugins/jsmath", %% ==3. Modify ##actions/header.php##== Insert the JSMath call in ##actions/header.php##: **original** %%(php;19) >
%% **modified** %%(php;19) > GetMethod() == 'show') && ($this->GetConfigValue('enable_jsmath') == 1) && file_exists($this->config['jsmath_path'].'/jsMath.js')) { echo ''; } ?>
%% ==4. Modify ##actions/footer.php##== Insert the call to the JSMath formatter function at the end of ##actions/footer.php##: %%(php) GetMethod() == 'show') && ($this->GetConfigValue('enable_jsmath') == 1) && file_exists($this->config['jsmath_path'].'/jsMath.js')) { echo ''; } ?> %% ==5. Test it == To add math in a Wikka page just use the ##math## class with embedded HTML: For inline math, use: ##Here goes LaTeX code## For math blocks, use: ##
Here goes LaTeX code
## Try for example: %% ""If f(x) = x+2 then f(4) = 6 . "" ""
\sum_{i=1}^{n} i = {n(n+1)\over 2}
"" ""
A = \pmatrix{a_{11} & a_{12} & \ldots & a_{1n}\cr a_{21} & a_{22} & \ldots & a_{2n}\cr \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots\cr a_{m1} & a_{m2} & \ldots & a_{mn}} \qquad\qquad \pmatrix{y_1\cr\vdots\cr y_k}
"" "" 2^{\raise1pt n}\hbox{ rather than }2^n \qquad {\rm Fe_2^{+2} Cr_2^{\vphantom{+2}}O_4^{\vphantom{+2}}} \hbox{ rather than } {\rm Fe_2^{+2} Cr_2 O_4} "" %% if the JSMath engine works correctly the code above should be rendered as: {{image alt="JSMath sample output" title="JSMath example 1" url="images/jsmath1.jpg"}} {{image alt="JSMath sample output" title="JSMath example 2" url="images/jsmath2.jpg"}} {{image alt="JSMath sample output" title="JSMath example 3" url="images/jsmath3.jpg"}} {{image alt="JSMath sample output" title="JSMath example 4" url="images/jsmath4.jpg"}} (the above examples are pictures taken from a local installation; JSMath outputs math as formatted text) ==Latex Style Wiki Tags== A short hack at formatters/wakka.php will lead to some much nicer Latex Style tags for entering & exiting math mode. Edit formatters/wakka.php and add the following lines at the relevent line numbers (line numbers from original wakka.php. so work from the bottom up) %%(php;41) static $trigger_math_inline = 0; static $trigger_math_block = 0; %% %%(php;59) if ($trigger_math_inline % 2) echo(''); if ($trigger_math_block % 2) echo('
'); %% %%(php;136) // Math Inline else if ($thing == "$$") { return(++$trigger_math_inline % 2 ? "" : ""); } else if ($thing == "\[" && $trigger_math_block == 0) { $trigger_math_block++; return "
\n"; } else if ($thing == "\]" && $trigger_math_block == 1) { $trigger_math_block = 0; return "\n
\n"; } %% %%(php, 414) "\\$\\$|". # Math inline "\\\\\\[|\\\\\\]|". # Math Block %% then use $$ 1 +1 $$ for inline markup and \[ 1+1 \] for block markup. ====To do==== ~- create a dedicated formatter; ~- handle font-related error messages; ~- add support for ##""TeX""## fonts. ---- CategoryDevelopment3rdParty CategoryDevelopmentFormatters