Wiki source for JensGiesemann

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===//**Great to be here!**//===

**three weeks ago** i decided to set up an internal wiki to store my unstructured data and notices. googleing a little, i found a german site comparing a couple of wiki systems [1]. the author decided to use dokuwiki. i did better, i think :-)
**two weeks ago** i had a running internal wiki to play with, decided after some looks onto the showcased sites to set up my website upon a hidden wikkawiki, and tried to translate some parts into german (was no problem, but: full trans would be lot of work, won't try).
**one week ago** i was able to modify the look of my wikka according to my ideas in a wide range, without having seen PHP or CSS before, neither yet nor in an earlier life.
**today** i succeeded to add new formatting styles according to my needs. feels great!
**next week** i will have my site running 'beta'.
**end of february** i will go to promote my 1.0 site and will also have set up my son's site.

i like very much this lightwight and powerful wikkawiki thing, which is very easy to understand, also, as i, not being a real programmer but an admin speaking little basic and sql.

many thanks to all the people having contributed to wikkawiki. i hope someday i can give back a little of what i received!

kind regards to all the great wikkawiki people,


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