Hello, my name is Jeroen. Im a MSc. student information sciences at Tilburg University, the Netherlands. Im working on my graduation thesis which is about wiki usage in higher education. Please leave a message after the beep (which you'll hear eventually if you listen long enough). ---- ====Draft. Recently edited social awareness functionality==== **Patch description** If you open a WikiPage in edit mode (invoke the edit page handler), a display of social awareness information might come in handy (eg. for collaboration purposes). This patch displays an overview of users who recently opened the WikiPage in edit mode, on a per-page basis. If you want this functionality you need to do the following: 1. //Create new table to log necessary information.// %%(sql) CREATE TABLE yourprefix_log ( id int(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, handler varchar(30) NOT NULL default '', tag varchar(75) NOT NULL default '0', username varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', accessed_at datetime NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id) ) TYPE=MyISAM; %% 2. //Patch edit page handler, handler/page/edit.php// After the following existing code snippet in edit.php (wikka v1.1.6.0): %%(php) // append a comment? if ($_REQUEST['appendcomment']) { $body = trim($body)."\n\n----\n\n--".$this->GetUserName().' ('.strftime("%c").')'; } %% Add the following code, after line 124 %%(php) //PATCH BEGIN // indicates the number of minutes logs will be shown, eg. 5 = display users who accessed page in last 5 minutes and purge the rest $minutes_interval = 30; // first purge old showlogs $deletebool = $this->Query("DELETE FROM ".$this->config["table_prefix"]."log WHERE handler=\"edit\" AND tag=\"" . $this->GetPageTag() . "\" AND accessed_at < (NOW() - INTERVAL " . $minutes_interval . " MINUTE)"); // if latest page version insert record in viewlog $insertbool = $this->Query("INSERT INTO ".$this->config["table_prefix"]."log VALUES(\"\", \"edit\", \"" . $this->GetPageTag(). "\", \"" . $this->GetUserName() . "\", NOW()" . ")"); if($insertbool && $deletebool) $ispurged = true; $lastusers = $this->LoadAll("SELECT * FROM ".$this->config["table_prefix"]."log WHERE handler=\"edit\" AND tag=\"" . $this->GetPageTag() . "\" AND accessed_at >= (NOW() - INTERVAL " . $minutes_interval . " MINUTE) GROUP BY username ORDER by username DESC"); foreach ($lastusers as $lastuser){ if($lastuser["username"] != $this->GetUserName()) { if($x > 0) $userstoprint .= "::"; $userstoprint .= $this->Format($lastuser["username"]); $x++; } } if($userstoprint) $lastusersmessage = "In the last " . $minutes_interval . " minutes, the following users opened this page in edit mode:

" .$userstoprint . "

\n"; $output .= $lastusersmessage; //PATCH END %% After this you should be ready to play ball. Try playing around with a couple of different users who open the same page in edit mode and you'll see what this patch does. Please provide feedback if you think whether this is (not) usefull. ---- CategoryUsers