Wiki source for KlenwellCodeHandlerShow564
=====Source: show.php=====
author: KlenWell
* Display a page if the user has read access or is an admin.
* This is the default page handler used by Wikka when no other handler is specified.
* Depending on user privileges, it displays the page body or an error message. It also
* displays footer comments and a form to post comments, depending on ACL and general
* config settings.
* @package Handlers
* @subpackage Page
* @version $Id$
* @license GNU General Public License
* @filesource
* @uses Wakka::Format()
* @uses Wakka::FormClose()
* @uses Wakka::FormOpen()
* @uses Wakka::GetConfigValue()
* @uses Wakka::GetPageTag()
* @uses Wakka::GetUser()
* @uses Wakka::GetUserName()
* @uses Wakka::HasAccess()
* @uses Wakka::Href()
* @uses Wakka::htmlspecialchars_ent()
* @uses Wakka::LoadComments()
* @uses Wakka::LoadPage()
* @uses Wakka::LoadUser()
* @uses Wakka::UserIsOwner()
* @uses Config::$anony_delete_own_comments
* @uses Config::$hide_comments
* @todo move <div> to template;
* @todo replace $_REQUEST with either $_GET or $_POST (or both if really
* necessary) - #312
// *** Show Flags for Controller
$_SHOW['page_start'] = 0;
$_SHOW['no_access'] = 0;
$_SHOW['not_exists'] = 0;
$_SHOW['page_body'] = 0;
$_SHOW['revision_info'] = 0;
$_SHOW['revision_edit_form'] = 0;
$_SHOW['comments'] = 0;
$_SHOW['hidden_comments'] = 0;
$_SHOW['no_comments'] = 0;
$_SHOW['comment_form'] = 0;
$_SHOW['page_close'] = 0;
// *** HTML Blocks
$_HTML['page'] = '';
$_HTML['page_start'] = '';
$_HTML['no_access'] = '';
$_HTML['not_exists'] = '';
$_HTML['revision_info'] = '';
$_HTML['page_body'] = '';
$_HTML['revision_edit_form'] = '';
$_HTML['page_close_div'] = '';
$_HTML['comments_header'] = '';
$_HTML['comments'] = '';
$_HTML['comment_form'] = '';
$_HTML['hidden_comments'] = '';
$_HTML['page_close'] = '';
// *** Controller
// Default Shows
$_SHOW['page_start'] = 1;
$_SHOW['page_close'] = 1;
// Has Page Access
if (!$this->HasAccess('read'))
$_SHOW['no_access'] = 1;
// Page Exists
if ( !$this->page )
$_SHOW['not_exists'] = 1;
$_SHOW['page_body'] = 1;
// As Revision
if ($this->page['latest'] == 'N')
$_SHOW['revision_info'] = 1;
// Revision w/ write access
if ( ($this->page['latest'] == 'N' && $this->HasAccess('write')) && ($latest = $this->LoadPage($this->tag)) )
$_SHOW['revision_edit_form'] = 1;
// Show Comment Form
if ( $this->GetConfigValue('hide_comments') != 1 )
// get page tag
$tag = $this->GetPageTag();
// session settings?
if ( !isset($_SESSION['show_comments'][$tag]) )
$_SESSION['show_comments'][$tag] = ($this->UserWantsComments() ? '1' : '0');
// GET setting takes precedence
if ( isset($_GET['show_comments']) ) #312
if ( $_GET['show_comments'] == 0 )
$_SESSION['show_comments'][$tag] = 0;
elseif ( $_GET['show_comments'] == 1 )
$_SESSION['show_comments'][$tag] = 1;
if ($_SESSION['show_comments'][$tag])
$_SHOW['comment_form'] = 1;
$_SHOW['hidden_comments'] = 1;
// Show Comments?
$comments = $this->LoadComments($this->tag);
if ( $_SESSION['show_comments'][$tag] && $comments )
$_SHOW['comments'] = 1;
// *** Viewer Blocks
// Page Start
if ( $_SHOW['page_start'] )
$_js = ( ($user = $this->GetUser()) && ($user['doubleclickedit'] == 'N') || !$this->HasAccess('write') ) ? '' : 'ondblclick="document.location=\''.$this->Href('edit').'\';" ';
$_HTML['page_start'] = <<<HTML
<!--starting page content-->
<div class="page" {$_js }>
// Generic
if ( $_SHOW['no_access'] )
$_HTML['no_access'] = <<<HTML
<p><em class="error">You aren't allowed to read this page.</em></p>
// Page does not exist yet
if ( $_SHOW['not_exists'] )
$_HTML['not_exists'] = <<<HTML
<p>This page doesn't exist yet. Maybe you want to <a href="{$this->Href('edit')}">create</a> it?</p>
// Revision Info
if ( $_SHOW['revision_info'] )
$href = $this->Href();
$alabel = $this->GetPageTag();
$ptime = $this->page['time'];
$_HTML['revision_info'] = <<<HTML
<div class="revisioninfo">
This is an old revision of <a href="{$href}">{$alabel}</a> from {$ptime}
// Page Body
if ( $_SHOW['page_body'] )
$_HTML['page_body'] = $this->Format($this->page['body'], 'wakka');
$_HTML['page_close_div'] = "</div>\n";
// Revision Edit Form
if ( $_SHOW['revision_edit_form'] )
$form_start = $this->FormOpen('edit');
$lid = $latest['id'];
$hvalue = $this->htmlspecialchars_ent($this->page['body']);
$form_close = $this->FormClose();
$_HTML['revision_edit_form'] = <<<HTML
<br />
<input type="hidden" name="previous" value="$lid" />
<input type="hidden" name="body" value="$hvalue" />
<input type="submit" value="Re-edit this old revision" />
// Comments Header and Form
if ( $_SHOW['comment_form'] )
$href = $this->Href('', '', 'show_comments=0');
$_HTML['comments_header'] = <<<HTML
<div class="commentsheader">
<span id="comments"> </span>Comments [<a href="$href">Hide comments/form</a>]
$form_start = $this->FormOpen('addcomment');
$form_close = $this->FormClose();
$_HTML['comment_form'] = <<<HTML
<div class="commentform">
<label for="commentbox">Add a comment to this page:<br />
<textarea id="commentbox" name="body" rows="6" cols="78"></textarea><br />
<input type="submit" value="Add Comment" accesskey="s" />
// comments themselves
if ( $_SHOW['comments'] )
$current_user = $this->GetUserName();
$comment_stack = '';
foreach ($comments as $comment)
$comment_stack .= '<div class="comment">'."\n";
$comment_stack .= '<span id="comment_'.$comment['id'].'"></span>'.$comment['comment']."\n";
$comment_stack .= "\t".'<div class="commentinfo">'."\n-- ";
$comment_stack .= ( $this->LoadUser($comment['user']) ) ? $this->Format($comment['user']) : $comment['user'];
$comment_stack .= ' ('.$comment['time'].')'."\n";
// does comment get delete form?
if ($this->UserIsOwner() || $current_user == $comment['user'] || ($this->config['anony_delete_own_comments'] && $current_user == $comment['user']) )
$comment_stack .= $this->FormOpen("delcomment");
$comment_stack .= '<input type="hidden" name="comment_id" value="' . $comment['id'] . '" />';
$comment_stack .= '<input type="submit" value="Delete Comment" />';
$comment_stack .= $this->FormClose();
$comment_stack .= "\n\t".'</div>'."\n";
$comment_stack .= '</div>'."\n";
$_HTML['comments'] = $comment_stack;
// hidden comments
if ( $_SHOW['hidden_comments'] )
switch (count($comments))
case 0:
$comment_count = '<p>There are no comments on this page. ';
$showcomments_text = 'Add comment';
case 1:
$comment_count = '<p>There is one comment on this page. ';
$showcomments_text = 'Display comment';
$comment_count = '<p>There are '.count($comments).' comments on this page. ';
$showcomments_text = 'Display comments';
$href = $this->Href('', '', 'show_comments=1#comments');
$_HTML['hidden_comments'] = <<<HTML
<div class="commentsheader">
[<a href="$href">$showcomments_text</a>]</p>
// Page Close
if ( $_SHOW['page_close'] )
$_HTML['page_close'] = <<<HTML
<!--closing page content-->
// End Viewer Blocks
// *** TEMPLATE: stitch it all together
$_HTML['page'] = <<<HTML
echo $_HTML['page'];
author: KlenWell
* Display a page if the user has read access or is an admin.
* This is the default page handler used by Wikka when no other handler is specified.
* Depending on user privileges, it displays the page body or an error message. It also
* displays footer comments and a form to post comments, depending on ACL and general
* config settings.
* @package Handlers
* @subpackage Page
* @version $Id$
* @license GNU General Public License
* @filesource
* @uses Wakka::Format()
* @uses Wakka::FormClose()
* @uses Wakka::FormOpen()
* @uses Wakka::GetConfigValue()
* @uses Wakka::GetPageTag()
* @uses Wakka::GetUser()
* @uses Wakka::GetUserName()
* @uses Wakka::HasAccess()
* @uses Wakka::Href()
* @uses Wakka::htmlspecialchars_ent()
* @uses Wakka::LoadComments()
* @uses Wakka::LoadPage()
* @uses Wakka::LoadUser()
* @uses Wakka::UserIsOwner()
* @uses Config::$anony_delete_own_comments
* @uses Config::$hide_comments
* @todo move <div> to template;
* @todo replace $_REQUEST with either $_GET or $_POST (or both if really
* necessary) - #312
// *** Show Flags for Controller
$_SHOW['page_start'] = 0;
$_SHOW['no_access'] = 0;
$_SHOW['not_exists'] = 0;
$_SHOW['page_body'] = 0;
$_SHOW['revision_info'] = 0;
$_SHOW['revision_edit_form'] = 0;
$_SHOW['comments'] = 0;
$_SHOW['hidden_comments'] = 0;
$_SHOW['no_comments'] = 0;
$_SHOW['comment_form'] = 0;
$_SHOW['page_close'] = 0;
// *** HTML Blocks
$_HTML['page'] = '';
$_HTML['page_start'] = '';
$_HTML['no_access'] = '';
$_HTML['not_exists'] = '';
$_HTML['revision_info'] = '';
$_HTML['page_body'] = '';
$_HTML['revision_edit_form'] = '';
$_HTML['page_close_div'] = '';
$_HTML['comments_header'] = '';
$_HTML['comments'] = '';
$_HTML['comment_form'] = '';
$_HTML['hidden_comments'] = '';
$_HTML['page_close'] = '';
// *** Controller
// Default Shows
$_SHOW['page_start'] = 1;
$_SHOW['page_close'] = 1;
// Has Page Access
if (!$this->HasAccess('read'))
$_SHOW['no_access'] = 1;
// Page Exists
if ( !$this->page )
$_SHOW['not_exists'] = 1;
$_SHOW['page_body'] = 1;
// As Revision
if ($this->page['latest'] == 'N')
$_SHOW['revision_info'] = 1;
// Revision w/ write access
if ( ($this->page['latest'] == 'N' && $this->HasAccess('write')) && ($latest = $this->LoadPage($this->tag)) )
$_SHOW['revision_edit_form'] = 1;
// Show Comment Form
if ( $this->GetConfigValue('hide_comments') != 1 )
// get page tag
$tag = $this->GetPageTag();
// session settings?
if ( !isset($_SESSION['show_comments'][$tag]) )
$_SESSION['show_comments'][$tag] = ($this->UserWantsComments() ? '1' : '0');
// GET setting takes precedence
if ( isset($_GET['show_comments']) ) #312
if ( $_GET['show_comments'] == 0 )
$_SESSION['show_comments'][$tag] = 0;
elseif ( $_GET['show_comments'] == 1 )
$_SESSION['show_comments'][$tag] = 1;
if ($_SESSION['show_comments'][$tag])
$_SHOW['comment_form'] = 1;
$_SHOW['hidden_comments'] = 1;
// Show Comments?
$comments = $this->LoadComments($this->tag);
if ( $_SESSION['show_comments'][$tag] && $comments )
$_SHOW['comments'] = 1;
// *** Viewer Blocks
// Page Start
if ( $_SHOW['page_start'] )
$_js = ( ($user = $this->GetUser()) && ($user['doubleclickedit'] == 'N') || !$this->HasAccess('write') ) ? '' : 'ondblclick="document.location=\''.$this->Href('edit').'\';" ';
$_HTML['page_start'] = <<<HTML
<!--starting page content-->
<div class="page" {$_js }>
// Generic
if ( $_SHOW['no_access'] )
$_HTML['no_access'] = <<<HTML
<p><em class="error">You aren't allowed to read this page.</em></p>
// Page does not exist yet
if ( $_SHOW['not_exists'] )
$_HTML['not_exists'] = <<<HTML
<p>This page doesn't exist yet. Maybe you want to <a href="{$this->Href('edit')}">create</a> it?</p>
// Revision Info
if ( $_SHOW['revision_info'] )
$href = $this->Href();
$alabel = $this->GetPageTag();
$ptime = $this->page['time'];
$_HTML['revision_info'] = <<<HTML
<div class="revisioninfo">
This is an old revision of <a href="{$href}">{$alabel}</a> from {$ptime}
// Page Body
if ( $_SHOW['page_body'] )
$_HTML['page_body'] = $this->Format($this->page['body'], 'wakka');
$_HTML['page_close_div'] = "</div>\n";
// Revision Edit Form
if ( $_SHOW['revision_edit_form'] )
$form_start = $this->FormOpen('edit');
$lid = $latest['id'];
$hvalue = $this->htmlspecialchars_ent($this->page['body']);
$form_close = $this->FormClose();
$_HTML['revision_edit_form'] = <<<HTML
<br />
<input type="hidden" name="previous" value="$lid" />
<input type="hidden" name="body" value="$hvalue" />
<input type="submit" value="Re-edit this old revision" />
// Comments Header and Form
if ( $_SHOW['comment_form'] )
$href = $this->Href('', '', 'show_comments=0');
$_HTML['comments_header'] = <<<HTML
<div class="commentsheader">
<span id="comments"> </span>Comments [<a href="$href">Hide comments/form</a>]
$form_start = $this->FormOpen('addcomment');
$form_close = $this->FormClose();
$_HTML['comment_form'] = <<<HTML
<div class="commentform">
<label for="commentbox">Add a comment to this page:<br />
<textarea id="commentbox" name="body" rows="6" cols="78"></textarea><br />
<input type="submit" value="Add Comment" accesskey="s" />
// comments themselves
if ( $_SHOW['comments'] )
$current_user = $this->GetUserName();
$comment_stack = '';
foreach ($comments as $comment)
$comment_stack .= '<div class="comment">'."\n";
$comment_stack .= '<span id="comment_'.$comment['id'].'"></span>'.$comment['comment']."\n";
$comment_stack .= "\t".'<div class="commentinfo">'."\n-- ";
$comment_stack .= ( $this->LoadUser($comment['user']) ) ? $this->Format($comment['user']) : $comment['user'];
$comment_stack .= ' ('.$comment['time'].')'."\n";
// does comment get delete form?
if ($this->UserIsOwner() || $current_user == $comment['user'] || ($this->config['anony_delete_own_comments'] && $current_user == $comment['user']) )
$comment_stack .= $this->FormOpen("delcomment");
$comment_stack .= '<input type="hidden" name="comment_id" value="' . $comment['id'] . '" />';
$comment_stack .= '<input type="submit" value="Delete Comment" />';
$comment_stack .= $this->FormClose();
$comment_stack .= "\n\t".'</div>'."\n";
$comment_stack .= '</div>'."\n";
$_HTML['comments'] = $comment_stack;
// hidden comments
if ( $_SHOW['hidden_comments'] )
switch (count($comments))
case 0:
$comment_count = '<p>There are no comments on this page. ';
$showcomments_text = 'Add comment';
case 1:
$comment_count = '<p>There is one comment on this page. ';
$showcomments_text = 'Display comment';
$comment_count = '<p>There are '.count($comments).' comments on this page. ';
$showcomments_text = 'Display comments';
$href = $this->Href('', '', 'show_comments=1#comments');
$_HTML['hidden_comments'] = <<<HTML
<div class="commentsheader">
[<a href="$href">$showcomments_text</a>]</p>
// Page Close
if ( $_SHOW['page_close'] )
$_HTML['page_close'] = <<<HTML
<!--closing page content-->
// End Viewer Blocks
// *** TEMPLATE: stitch it all together
$_HTML['page'] = <<<HTML
echo $_HTML['page'];