Comparing revisions for LastEditActionInfo

[[WikkaDocumentation Wikka Documentation]]
=====""LastEdit"" Action Documentation=====
//Included in Wikka since version

>>==See also:==
Development: LastEdit.>>This is the documentation page for the lastedit action.::c::

In order to avoid clicking on RecentChanges to know //who// edited a page and //why//,
here's an action that prints short lastedit information in the page body:
{{lastedit show="3"}}
**Usage** ""{{lastedit}}""

**Optional parameter**: ##show##
""{{lastedit show="0"}}"" //show user only//
{{lastedit show="0"}}
""{{lastedit}}"" or ""{{lastedit show="1"}}"" //show user and notes// (default)
{{lastedit show="1"}}
""{{lastedit show="2"}}"" //show user, notes, date//
{{lastedit show="2"}}
""{{lastedit show="3"}}"" //show user, notes, date and quickdiff link//
{{lastedit show="3"}}

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This page can now be found on the [[Docs:LastEditActionInfo Wikka Documentation Server]].
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