Parkinsons Group: 
Case for Peer Supervision

Anxiety about attending group

IDEA - Review by Group SLT

to discuss:

* attendance

* any anxieties

* priorities


* find out if PUK could support a

 volunteer visit by experienced PWP

who will also be attending group?

* if PUK officer attended 1st meeting, maybe

she could visit before group too?

IDEA: Review by Group SLT

to reassure and discuss


* find out if PUK info and support officer

could accompany?

Access to SLT

materials etc.

Access to SLT support

if needed

Travel distance for

majority members

Concern about reliability and timing

if ambulance service used

Concern about patients being

excluded if transport not available

or accessible

Confusion about minimum number of

participants needed for group to go ahead

Misplaced concern that having only three members

meant there was a problem.

Special communication needs,

equipment, etc.

Relevant activities,

level of support needed, etc.

Concern re appropriateness of planned activity

programme in light of 11th hour research

* Word finding problems

* difficulty expressing ideas

* difficulty joining and staying in conversations

* psychosocial impact

* learning and support from others with PD

* groups should complement not replicate individual session work

* strategies to encourage transfer & generalisation of learning and skills

* support for home practice

IDEA - Review by Group SLT before group -> TOMS

Concern about time needed if involved

in preparation of materials

RECOMMEND - Minimum 3 to run group

* if only 3, maybe SALTA involvement dependent on group profile?
* BUT consider observation and recording needs!