(From http://world-wide-democracy.net/Wiki/) Download by right-click/Save As: **New action** ""{{googleform1}}"" with the Google gif logo: http://www.world-wide-democracy.net/members/MiUploads/googleform1.php.gz **Modified files**: WikkaWiki version release allows only the Administrator to have any meaningfull use of the ""{{files}}"" action. Here is my **modification of files.php and handler/page/files.xml.php** that allow only the owner of a Wiki page to upload files, and owner and the Administrator can delete them: http://www.world-wide-democracy.net/members/MiUploads/files.tar.gz **Modified usersettings.php**: Also WikkaWiki version login/register actions returns often confusing error messages (e.g., if a registered user makes an error in his WikiName, he gets an error message "You must specify an email address", which may be rather confusing to a properly registered user). Here is my attempt to straighten this up (e.g., if no e-mail address and repeated password is entered, the code's guess is that there is a typing error in the user name): http://www.world-wide-democracy.net/members/MiUploads/usersettings.php.gz ---- CategoryUsers CategoryUserContributions