Wiki source for MikMek

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==Hello Wikkanes==
I used Wakka years ago and just awoke from my wiki sleep. It's good to see that there is a variety of forks with some interesting enhancements. After my first experiments with some of the forks (wikka, wacko, coma) I just decided to use wikka, because its close enough to the original wakka to keep my personal enhancements and it is still under development (I hope it is :-)) .
Priority-1 on my feature wishlist:
Cross-Page Anchor-Links (i.e. like in Wacko Other_Page#Anchor_Link)
More flexible TOC
For the moment I think about programming a flexible file-upload for wikka, which I started to programm for wakka sometimes in the dark ages.

Greets to all Wikka folks - it's a great wiki.
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