wiki wiki!
Comment by GmBowen
2006-01-02 16:53:54
Hi MinusF,

Thought I'd welcome you to the wikka world and say that we all appreciate your comments in our discussions. The advantage of a wiki like wikka, in my view, is that it offers the opportunity to empower users through its use of actions.

Whereas you, as someone with server access, uses punbb for a forum when you wish, and a chat tool for chatting, and so on, a non-techie user doesn't have that option. I see one of the strengths of wikka with it's plugins is that you can create tools that allow a user to create a discussion forum or thread, a user to create a chat area, a user to create a blog (and so on) as they wish to. Although none of these tools (I have all operating now) are as "powerful" as independent standalone ones, they all can also be created by a user alone (not needing an administrator) as an option within a wiki. To me, this means that users have control over not just the writing on their wiki page, but also whether they have a forum, or a chat, or a blog, a way they do not anywhere else (at least as simply...and "simply" is an important key for most users). The comments at a bottom of a page allow a user to have one group contribute to the writing, but others to be able to provide feedback on what has been written....this is a pretty useful feature in lots of settings. Anyhow, since you "dissed" comments being available {grin} I thought I'd offer a counter-argument to providing tools *in* the wiki itself.

cheers, Mike B
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