Wiki source for Mod006bRecentChangesXML

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==== Wikka Mod 006 ====
Type: Bug fix
[[ | MatthiasAppel]]
[[ |]] //(archive)//
**[[ | SaschaCarlin]]**
[[ | RecentChangesRss @ WakkaWiki]]

Wakka has a XML link on the RecentChanges page, but it didn't work.
Grabbed a working implementation from Gadma/Nontroppo.




Switched over to implementation from ""SaschaCarlin"".
[[ | RecentChangesRss]]

... and then merged it just a bit with some of the Gadma/nontroppo code. Here's the final code:

header("Content-type: text/xml");

$xml = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\"?>\n";
$xml .= "<rss version=\"0.92\">\n";
$xml .= "<channel>\n";
$xml .= "<title>".$this->GetConfigValue("wakka_name")." - ".$this->tag."</title>\n";
$xml .= "<link>".$this->GetConfigValue("base_url")."</link>\n";
$xml .= "<description>Recent changes of ".$this->GetConfigValue("wakka_name")."</description>\n";
$xml .= "<language>en-us</language>\n";

if ($pages = $this->LoadRecentlyChanged())
$max = $this->GetConfigValue("xml_recent_changes");

$c = 0;
foreach ($pages as $page)
if (($c <= $max) || !$max)
$xml .= "<item>\n";
$xml .= "<title>".$page["tag"]."</title>\n";
$xml .= "<link>".$this->href("show", $page["tag"], "time=".urlencode($page["time"]))."</link>\n";
$xml .= "\t<description>".$page["time"]." by ".$page["user"]." - ".$page["note"]."</description>\n";
//$xml .= "\t<guid>".$page["id"]."</guid>";
$xml .= "\t<pubDate>".date("r",strtotime($page["time"]))."</pubDate>\n";
$xml .= "</item>\n";
$xml .= "<item>\n";
$xml .= "<title>Error</title>\n";
$xml .= "<link>".$this->href("show")."</link>\n";
$xml .= "<description>You're not allowed to access this information.</description>\n";
$xml .= "</item>\n";

$xml .= "</channel>\n";
$xml .= "</rss>\n";


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