==== Wikka Mod 030 ==== Type: Feature Addition ---- ===Credit:=== **[[JsnX | Jason Tourtelotte]]** ---- Added the ability to release ownership of a page, so that the ownership is set to nobody. Completed code is shown below. **handlers\page\acls.php** %%(php)
UserIsOwner()) { if ($_POST) { // store lists $this->SaveAcl($this->GetPageTag(), "read", $_POST["read_acl"]); $this->SaveAcl($this->GetPageTag(), "write", $_POST["write_acl"]); $this->SaveAcl($this->GetPageTag(), "comment", $_POST["comment_acl"]); $message = "Access control lists updated"; // change owner? $newowner = $_POST["newowner"]; if (($newowner <> "same") and ($this->GetPageOwner($this->GetPageTag()) <> $newowner)) // if ($newowner = $_POST["newowner"]) { $this->SetPageOwner($this->GetPageTag(), $newowner); if ($newowner == "") { $newowner = "Nobody"; } $message .= " and gave ownership to ".$newowner; } // redirect back to page $this->SetMessage($message."!"); $this->Redirect($this->Href()); } else { // load acls $readACL = $this->LoadAcl($this->GetPageTag(), "read"); $writeACL = $this->LoadAcl($this->GetPageTag(), "write"); $commentACL = $this->LoadAcl($this->GetPageTag(), "comment"); // show form ?>

Access Control Lists for Link($this->GetPageTag()) ?>

FormOpen("acls") ?>
Read ACL:
Write ACL:
Comments ACL:
Set Owner:

FormClose()); } } else { print("You're not the owner of this page."); } ?>
%% Modifed the ""SetPageOwner()"" function in **wakka.php** %%(php) function SetPageOwner($tag, $user) { // check if user exists if( $user <> '' && ! $this->LoadUser( $user ) ) return; // updated latest revision with new owner $this->Query("update ".$this->config["table_prefix"]."pages set owner = '".mysql_escape_string($user)."' where tag = '".mysql_escape_string($tag)."' and latest = 'Y' limit 1"); } %%