==== Wikka Mod 036 ==== Type: Feature Addition ---- ===Credit:=== WackoWiki ---- Modified the lastusers action from ""WackoWiki"" to work with Wikka and added the table formatting. -- JsnX %%(php) LoadAll("select name, signuptime from ".$this->config["table_prefix"]."users order by signuptime desc limit ".(int)$max); $htmlout = "\n". " \n". " \n"; foreach($last_users as $user) { $htmlout .= " \n"; if ($stat!=="0") $num = $this->LoadSingle("select count(*) as n from ".$this->config["table_prefix"]."pages where owner='".$user["name"]."' AND latest = 'Y' AND comment_on = ''"); $htmlout .= " \n \n \n"; $htmlout .= " \n"; } $htmlout .= "
Name\n". " Owned Pages\n". " Signup Date/Time\n". "
".$this->Link($user["name"])."".($stat!=="0"?" . . . . . (".$num["n"].")":"")."(".$user["signuptime"].")
\n"; print($htmlout); ?> %% ---- Lastest users.... {{lastusers}}