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[[Docs:WikkaDocumentation | Wikka Documentation]]
====1and1 Shared Hosting and mod_rewrite====

>>**See also**
~-ModRewrite >>ModRewrite has great general instructions on how to get wikkawiki working with Apache's mod_rewrite, but if you run your wiki on 1and1's servers you will need to configure things a little differently. Since 1and1 doesn't offer access to Apache error logs on its shared and managed hosting, diagnosing problems like this may be difficult.

You may not need any configuration changes if you are hosting your site in your home directory. However, if you are installing Wikka in a subdomain that points to a subdirectory, the following should remedy the problem.

The problem I had was getting Rewrite working, with no help from the error logs. As long as ##""RewriteEngine"" On## was set in the .htaccess file, I kept getting a 500 Internal Server error.

Simply add the following after ##""RewriteEngine"" On## in the .htaccess file.
RewriteBase /

If you are instead installing Wikka in a subdirectory of a domain or subdomain (i.e. ##, specify this directory in the ##""RewriteBase""## line. Don't include a trailing slash.
RewriteBase /foo/wiki

You should also add the following to the top of your .htaccess file.
Options +Indexes +FollowSymLinks

With these changes, your wiki should work on 1and1's servers.
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