Wiki source for MoreWikka

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==== More on Wikka ====

Various external sites that mention WikkaWiki or provide support in some way, including languages other than English.

==Reviews and general information==
~~-[[ | Chinese]] | [[ | English]] | [[ | French]] | [[ | German]] | [[ | Italian]] | [[ | Malagasy]] | [[ | Polish]] | [[ | Spanish]]
~-[[ | WikkaWiki]] {{colour hex="#888888" text="[English]"}}
~-[[ | Meatball Wiki: WikkaWiki]] {{colour hex="#888888" text="[English]"}}
~-[[ | Framasoft: WikkaWiki]] {{colour hex="#888888" text="[French]"}}
~-[[ | The Unofficial Apple Weblog: How to install Wikka On OS X]]

==Feature comparison==
~-[[ | Wikimatrix: WikkaWiki]] {{colour hex="#888888" text="[English]"}}

==Listing in opensource software directories==
~-[[ | Freecode (formerly Freshmeat): WikkaWiki]] {{colour hex="#888888" text="[English]"}}
~-[[ | Wikka]] {{colour hex="#888888" text="[English]"}}
~-[[ | BerliOS SourceWell: WikkaWiki]] {{colour hex="#888888" text="[English]"}}

==Development statistics==
~-[[ | Ohloh: WikkaWiki]] {{colour hex="#888888" text="[English]"}}

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