Revision [9607]
This is an old revision of NeoNeurone made by NeoNeurone on 2005-06-25 07:42:45.
Just another enthousiast Wikka fan ;)
Get Wikka hacks
The hacks that I've done on Wikka are available for download at my homesite. They include the codes that I find around and my own hacks. I've integrated them in an all-in-one file for easy review.TODO
- Translate completly Wikka into French in order to support multi-language
- Make the WikiEdit 3dparty plugin work under Konqueror.
Monitored hacks pages
The codes contained at the following pages are integrated into the hack for download.My other projects Another 3D city simulator written with C+ + and SDL I translate english computing technical articles into vietnamese and also write new ones there. A great arcade game.
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