=====Page Administration Action===== {{lastedit}} This is the development page for the Page Administration action. The Page Administration module has been committed to the [[http://wush.net/websvn/wikka/listing.php?repname=wikka&path=%2Fbranches%2F1.1.6.4%2F branch]] and will be available with the [[http://blog.wikkawiki.org/2007/11/23/pre-release-announcement-for-securityantispam-release-1164/ release]]. **Documentation** http://docs.wikkawiki.org/PageAdministration This action, inspired by the UserAdmin action, is meant to allow Wikka Administrators to manage pages and perform several maintenance operations. It displays the standard PageIndex to non-admins. >>**See also:** ~-AdminModules ~-RefactorWiki ~-MovePages ~-PageAdminPrune ~-Are you an administrator of this site ? --- Give it a [[PageAdminTest try]] >><<**Table of Contents:** ~-""Current version"" ~-""To do"" ~-""The code"" ~-""Styling options""<< ::c:: ---- == Sample output == =====Page Administration===== ""
Filter view:

Records (912): 1-20 | 21-40
(Sorted by:time, desc)
Page Name Owner Last Author Last Edit Hits Revisions Comments Backlinks Referrers Actions
UserAdmin DarTar DarTar 2005-08-01 14:48:30 0 57 7 19 54 edit :: delete :: clone :: acl :: info
LastUsers DarTar DarTar 2005-08-01 14:44:39 0 1 0 1 0 edit :: delete :: clone :: acl :: info
TableStyling DarTar DarTar 2005-08-01 14:37:32 0 2 0 1 0 edit :: delete :: clone :: acl :: info
UserMap NilsLindenberg DennyShimkoski 2005-08-01 13:28:40 0 28 0 5 121 edit :: delete :: clone :: acl :: info
DennyShimkos… DennyShimkoski DennyShimkoski 2005-08-01 13:21:31 0 11 2 7 0 edit :: delete :: clone :: acl :: info
TestSkin (Public) DarTar 2005-08-01 13:04:34 0 34 21 31 257 edit :: delete :: clone :: acl :: info
HypeXR HypeXR HypeXR 2005-08-01 09:09:40 0 2 0 0 0 edit :: delete :: clone :: acl :: info
CustomCSS DennyShimkoski DennyShimkoski 2005-08-01 05:39:11 0 3 0 1 0 edit :: delete :: clone :: acl :: info
OnPageLoadWi… DennyShimkoski DennyShimkoski 2005-08-01 05:32:33 0 5 0 2 0 edit :: delete :: clone :: acl :: info
UncamelActio… DennyShimkoski DennyShimkoski 2005-08-01 05:30:38 0 4 0 2 0 edit :: delete :: clone :: acl :: info
ChristianBar… ChristianBarthelemy DennyShimkoski 2005-07-31 14:39:37 0 39 8 19 49 edit :: delete :: clone :: acl :: info
WikkaSites (Public) DarTar 2005-07-31 09:30:11 0 419 31 17 470 edit :: delete :: clone :: acl :: info
HomePage (Public) DarTar 2005-07-31 09:13:49 0 183 96 49 33437 edit :: delete :: clone :: acl :: info
InfoHandler DarTar DarTar 2005-07-31 08:28:43 0 20 0 2 0 edit :: delete :: clone :: acl :: info
DennysCalend… DennyShimkoski DennyShimkoski 2005-07-31 06:52:55 0 5 0 2 0 edit :: delete :: clone :: acl :: info
JwCalendarWi… ChristianBarthelemy DennyShimkoski 2005-07-31 06:43:47 0 8 6 3 52 edit :: delete :: clone :: acl :: info
SandBox (Public) PaulWittenbraker 2005-07-31 03:37:29 0 1116 13 34 108 edit :: delete :: clone :: acl :: info
TonExtraWiki PaulWittenbraker PaulWittenbraker 2005-07-31 03:10:51 0 1 0 1 0 edit :: delete :: clone :: acl :: info
CodeContribu… (Public) DennyShimkoski 2005-07-31 02:23:42 0 124 4 28 144 edit :: delete :: clone :: acl :: info
DennysAttach… DennyShimkoski DennyShimkoski 2005-07-31 01:24:04 0 4 0 2 0 edit :: delete :: clone :: acl :: info
Mass-action[Check all | Uncheck all]
"" ---- === Current version === Latest available version: **0.4**. **Features:** ~-displays a pageable, sortable and searchable list of pages; ~-displays detailed and clickable page statistics (revisions, comments, backlinks, referrers) ~-generates links to different handlers with titles; ~-shortens long pagenames and hostnames; ~-shows last edit notes (if available); ~-adds 'claim' links to pages with no owner; ~-shows plain-text username in owner/lastauthor fields if user has no homepage; ~-supports a bunch of configurable options (including max. length of displayed pagename, max. length of hostname, symbol for truncated text). **Bugfixes and modifications:** ~-added constant section; ~-added titles to different form elements; ~-added configurable hostname and pagename length limit; ~-fixed problem with search keyword not read by pager; ~-added submit buttons after menus; ~-fixed invalid markup resulting in green text on the whole page. ~-using getCount() to retrieve the various counts --JW ~-various changes to prevent NOTICEs --JW ~-removed accesskey attributes (cause more problems than they solve) --JW ~-various other minor tweaks --JW ~-added icons and UI strings; ~-added several configurable options, including styling options (see below); === To do=== ~-Mass-operations (mass-page deletion (''done as of''), mass-page rename, mass-page ACLs etc.); ~~-I have included a first MassaclsAction as a preview/draft/beta, like you want --AndreasTengicki ~-Handlers: add rename handler; ~-Page statistics: add page hits; ~~& Can I advocate for a "Page Hide/Unhide" option here?....H instead of Y or N for most recent works well. In some communities, particularly where there might be legal/administrative follow-ups to what was posted, it is quite useful to be able to "keep" the contents of the page in the database, but make them inaccessible to the wiki users. --GmBowen ~~~& Mike, as you can see this interface does not add any specific handler or page feature which is not already supported by Wikka: it is just a //hub// for existing handlers (the multiple-page operations will require new handlers, though). So if you want to propose something like a 'hide/unhide' handler, I suggest you open a dedicated page. -- DarTar ~~~&To be more precise, this action //does// include two forthcoming features (rename handler, page hits) but only as //placeholders//. The development of each of these functionalities should be take place elsewhere, not on this page. -- DarTar ~~~~&There might as well be a placeholer for a future "hide" or "lock" handler then. :) We certainly need //something// like that - see comments.--JavaWoman. ===The code === Save the code below as ##actions/pageadmin.php## and use it as ##""{{pageadmin}}""##. **Note:** The code has been adapted to take advantage of the ##[[WikkaCountingRecords getCount()]]## and ##[[FormatUserMethod FormatUser()]]## methods, which are required for the action to work. %%(php;1) = $max) { // add $max to the list; then break out of the loop $opts[] = $max; break; } // when $limit is reached, it becomes the new start and increment for the next 'range' $inc = $limit; } return $opts; } // restrict access to admins if ($this->IsAdmin($this->GetUser())) { // ------------------------------------- // set default values as constants define('DEFAULT_RECORDS_LIMIT', '20'); # number of records per page define('DEFAULT_MIN_RECORDS_DISPLAY', '5'); # min number of records define('DEFAULT_RECORDS_RANGE',serialize(array('10','50','100','500','1000'))); #range array for records pager define('DEFAULT_SORT_FIELD', 'time'); # sort field define('DEFAULT_SORT_ORDER', 'desc'); # sort order, ascendant or descendant define('DEFAULT_START', '0'); # start record define('DEFAULT_SEARCH', ''); # keyword to restrict page search define('DEFAULT_TAG_LENGTH', '12'); # max. length of displayed pagename define('DEFAULT_URL_LENGTH', '15'); # max. length of displayed user host define('DEFAULT_TERMINATOR', '…'); # standard symbol replacing truncated text (ellipsis) JW 2005-07-19 define('ALTERNATE_ROW_COLOR', '1'); # switch alternate row color define('STAT_COLUMN_COLOR', '1'); # switch color for statistics columns // ------------------------------------- // User-interface: icons define('HITS_ICON', 'images/icons/16x16/stock_about.png'); define('REVISIONS_ICON', 'images/icons/16x16/stock_book_open.png'); define('COMMENTS_ICON', 'images/icons/16x16/stock_help-agent.png'); define('BACKLINKS_ICON', 'images/icons/16x16/stock_link.png'); define('REFERRERS_ICON', 'images/icons/16x16/stock_internet.png'); // ------------------------------------- // User-interface: strings define('PAGE_TITLE','Page Administration'); define('FORM_LEGEND','Filter view:'); define('FORM_SEARCH_STRING_LABEL','Search page:'); define('FORM_SEARCH_STRING_TITLE','Enter a search string'); define('FORM_SEARCH_SUBMIT','Submit'); define('FORM_PAGER_LABEL_BEFORE','Show'); define('FORM_PAGER_TITLE','Select records-per-page limit'); define('FORM_PAGER_LABEL_AFTER','records per page'); define('FORM_PAGER_SUBMIT','Apply'); define('FORM_PAGER_LINK','Show records from %d to %d'); define('FORM_RESULT_INFO','Records'); define('FORM_RESULT_SORTED_BY','Sorted by:'); define('TABLE_HEADING_PAGENAME','Page Name'); define('TABLE_HEADING_PAGENAME_TITLE','Sort by page name'); define('TABLE_HEADING_OWNER','Owner'); define('TABLE_HEADING_OWNER_TITLE','Sort by page owner'); define('TABLE_HEADING_LASTAUTHOR','Last Author'); define('TABLE_HEADING_LASTAUTHOR_TITLE','Sort by last author'); define('TABLE_HEADING_LASTEDIT','Last Edit'); define('TABLE_HEADING_LASTEDIT_TITLE','Sort by edit time'); define('TABLE_SUMMARY','List of pages on this server'); define('TABLE_HEADING_HITS_TITLE','Hits'); define('TABLE_HEADING_REVISIONS_TITLE','Sort by number of revisions (DEBUG ONLY)'); define('TABLE_HEADING_COMMENTS_TITLE','Comments'); define('TABLE_HEADING_BACKLINKS_TITLE','Backlinks'); define('TABLE_HEADING_REFERRERS_TITLE','Referrers'); define('TABLE_HEADING_HITS_ALT','Hits'); define('TABLE_HEADING_REVISIONS_ALT','Revisions'); define('TABLE_HEADING_COMMENTS_ALT','Comments'); define('TABLE_HEADING_BACKLINKS_ALT','Backlinks'); define('TABLE_HEADING_REFERRERS_ALT','Referrers'); define('TABLE_HEADING_ACTIONS','Actions'); define('ACTION_EDIT_LINK_TITLE','Edit %s'); define('ACTION_DELETE_LINK_TITLE','Delete %s'); define('ACTION_CLONE_LINK_TITLE','Clone %s'); define('ACTION_RENAME_LINK_TITLE','Rename %s (DISABLED)'); define('ACTION_ACL_LINK_TITLE','Change Access Control List for %s'); define('ACTION_INFO_LINK_TITLE','Display information and statistics for %s'); define('ACTION_EDIT_LINK','edit'); define('ACTION_DELETE_LINK','delete'); define('ACTION_CLONE_LINK','clone'); define('ACTION_RENAME_LINK','rename'); define('ACTION_ACL_LINK','acl'); define('ACTION_INFO_LINK','info'); define('TAKE_OWNERSHIP_LINK','Take ownership of'); define('NO_OWNER','(Nobody)'); define('TABLE_CELL_HITS_TITLE','Hits for %s (%d)'); define('TABLE_CELL_REVISIONS_TITLE','Display revisions for %s (%d)'); define('TABLE_CELL_COMMENTS_TITLE','Display comments for %s (%d)'); define('TABLE_CELL_BACKLINKS_TITLE','Display pages linking to %s (%d)'); define('TABLE_CELL_REFERRERS_TITLE','Display external sites linking to %s (%d)'); define('SELECT_RECORD_TITLE','Select %s'); define('NO_EDIT_NOTE','[No edit note]'); define('CHECK_ALL_TITLE','Check all records'); define('CHECK_ALL','Check all'); define('UNCHECK_ALL_TITLE','Uncheck all records'); define('UNCHECK_ALL','Uncheck all'); define('FORM_MASSACTION_LEGEND','Mass-action'); define('FORM_MASSACTION_LABEL','With selected'); define('FORM_MASSACTION_SELECT_TITLE','Choose action to apply to selected records (DISABLED)'); define('FORM_MASSACTION_OPT_DELETE','Delete all'); define('FORM_MASSACTION_OPT_CLONE','Clone all'); define('FORM_MASSACTION_OPT_RENAME','Rename all'); define('FORM_MASSACTION_OPT_ACL','Change Access Control List'); define('FORM_MASSACTION_SUBMIT','Submit'); define('ERROR_NO_MATCHES','Sorry, there are no pages matching "%s"'); // ------------------------------------- // Initialize variables $r = 1; #initialize row counter $r_color = ALTERNATE_ROW_COLOR; #get alternate row color option $c_color = STAT_COLUMN_COLOR; #get column color option // record dropdown $page_limits = unserialize(DEFAULT_RECORDS_RANGE); // pager $prev = ''; $next = ''; //override defaults with action parameters if (is_array($vars)) { foreach ($vars as $param => $value){ switch ($param) { case 'colcolor': $c_color = (preg_match('/[01]/',$value))? $value : STAT_COLUMN_COLOR; break; case 'rowcolor': $r_color = (preg_match('/[01]/',$value))? $value : ALTERNATE_ROW_COLOR; break; } } } //perform mass-operations if required (forthcoming) if (isset($_GET['action'])) { if ($_GET['action'] == 'massdelete') { echo $this->Action('massdelete'); } elseif ($_GET['action'] == 'massrename') { echo $this->Action('massrename'); } elseif ($_GET['action'] == 'massacls') { echo $this->Action('massacls'); } } else { // process URL variables # JW 2005-07-19 some modifications to avoid notices but these are still not actually secure // number of records per page if (isset($_POST['l'])) $l = $_POST['l']; elseif (isset($_GET['l'])) $l = $_GET['l']; else $l = DEFAULT_RECORDS_LIMIT; // sort field $sort = (isset($_GET['sort'])) ? $_GET['sort'] : DEFAULT_SORT_FIELD; // sort order $d = (isset($_GET['d'])) ? $_GET['d'] : DEFAULT_SORT_ORDER; // start record $s = (isset($_GET['s'])) ? $_GET['s'] : DEFAULT_START; // search string if (isset($_POST['q'])) $q = $_POST['q']; elseif (isset($_GET['q'])) $q = $_GET['q']; else $q = DEFAULT_SEARCH; // select all added JW 2005-07-19 $checked = ''; if (isset($_GET['selectall'])) { $checked = (1 == $_GET['selectall']) ? ' checked="checked"' : ''; } // restrict MySQL query by search string modified JW 2005-07-19 $where = ('' == $q) ? "`latest` = 'Y'" : "`tag` LIKE '%".$q."%' AND `latest` = 'Y'"; // get total number of pages $numpages = $this->getCount('pages',$where); // print page header echo $this->Format('==== '.PAGE_TITLE.' ==== --- '); // build pager form $form1 = $this->FormOpen('','','post','page_admin_panel'); $form1 .= '
'.FORM_LEGEND.''."\n"; $form1 .= '
'."\n"; // ranged drop-down $pages_opts = optionRanges($page_limits,$numpages,DEFAULT_MIN_RECORDS_DISPLAY); $form1 .= ' '."\n"; $form1 .= '
'."\n"; // build pager links if ($s > 0) $prev = ''.($s-$l+1).'-'.$s.' | '."\n"; if ($numpages > ($s + $l)) $next = ' | '.($s+$l+1).'-'.($s+2*$l).''."\n"; $form1 .= FORM_RESULT_INFO.' ('.$numpages.'): '.$prev.($s+1).'-'.($s+$l).$next.'
'."\n"; $form1 .= '('.FORM_RESULT_SORTED_BY.''.$sort.', '.$d.')'."\n"; $form1 .= '
'.$this->FormClose()."\n"; // print form echo $form1; // sort by counted values switch($sort) { case 'edits': #alpha --- 'latest' needs to be disabled //sample query: //SELECT *, COUNT(*) as edits FROM `wikka1160_pages` GROUP BY tag ORDER BY edits DESC $count = ', COUNT(*) as edits'; $group = 'GROUP BY tag'; $where = '1'; //$where = ('' == $q) ? "1" : "`tag` LIKE '%".$q."%'"; $table = 'pages'; break; case 'comments': #to implement /* // SELECT wikka1160_pages.tag, COUNT( * ) AS comments FROM wikka1160_pages, wikka1160_comments WHERE wikka1160_pages.tag = wikka1160_comments.page_tag GROUP BY wikka1160_pages.tag ORDER BY comments DESC $count = ', COUNT(*) as edits'; $group = 'GROUP BY tag'; $where = '1'; */ break; default: $table = 'pages'; } // get page list $pagedata = $this->LoadAll("SELECT *".$count." FROM ".$this->config["table_prefix"].$table." WHERE ". $where." ".$group." ORDER BY ".$sort." ".$d." LIMIT ".$s.", ".$l); if ($pagedata) { // build table headers $tagheader = ''.TABLE_HEADING_PAGENAME.''; $ownerheader = ''.TABLE_HEADING_OWNER.''; $userheader = ''.TABLE_HEADING_LASTAUTHOR.''; $lasteditheader = ''.TABLE_HEADING_LASTEDIT.''; $revisionsheader = ''.TABLE_HEADING_REVISIONS_ALT.''; $htmlout = "\n". "\n\n". " \n". " \n". " \n". " \n". " \n". " \n". " \n". " \n". " \n". " \n". " \n". " \n\n"; // feed table with data foreach($pagedata as $page) { // truncate long page names $pagename = (strlen($page['tag']) > DEFAULT_TAG_LENGTH) ? substr($page['tag'], 0, DEFAULT_TAG_LENGTH).DEFAULT_TERMINATOR : $page['tag']; // build handler links $lastedit = $page['time']; if ($pagename != $page['tag']) { $showpage = ''.$pagename.''; } else { $showpage = ''.$pagename.''; } $editpage = ''.ACTION_EDIT_LINK.''; $deletepage = ''.ACTION_DELETE_LINK.''; $clonepage = ''.ACTION_CLONE_LINK.''; // renaming disabled $renamepage = ''.ACTION_RENAME_LINK.''; $aclpage = ''.ACTION_ACL_LINK.''; $infopage = ''.ACTION_INFO_LINK.''; // get page owner if ($page['owner']) { // is the owner a registered user? if ($this->LoadUser($page['owner'])) { // does user's homepage exist? if ($this->ExistsPage($page['owner'])) { $owner = $this->Link($page['owner']); } else { $owner = $page['owner']; } } else { $owner = $page['owner']; } } else { // page has empty owner field: print claim link $owner = $this->Link($page['tag'], 'claim','(Nobody)','','',TAKE_OWNERSHIP_LINK.' '.$page['tag']); } // get last author if ($page['user']) { // is the author a registered user? if ($this->LoadUser($page['user'])) { // does user's homepage exist? if ($this->ExistsPage($page['user'])) { $user = $this->Link($page['user']); } else { $user = $page['user']; } } else { // truncate long host names $user = (strlen($page['user']) > DEFAULT_URL_LENGTH) ? substr($page['user'], 0, DEFAULT_URL_LENGTH).DEFAULT_TERMINATOR : $page['user']; # added JW 2005-07-19 if ($user != $page['user']) { $user = ''.$user.''; } } } else { // page has empty user field $user = NO_OWNER; } // get counts - JW 2005-07-19 $whereTag = "`tag` = '".$page['tag']."'"; $wherePageTag = "`page_tag` = '".$page['tag']."'"; $whereToTag = "`to_tag` = '".$page['tag']."'"; $hn = 0; $rv = $this->getCount('pages',$whereTag); $cn = $this->getCount('comments',$wherePageTag); $bn = $this->getCount('links',$whereToTag); $rn = $this->getCount('referrers',$wherePageTag); // get page hits (forthcoming) $hitspage = ($hn > 0) ? ''.$hn.'' : '0'; // get page revisions and create revision link if needed $revpage = ($rv > 0) ? ''.$rv.'' : '0'; // get page comments and create comments link if needed $commentspage = ($cn > 0) ? ''.$cn.'' : '0'; // get page backlinks and create backlinks link $backlinkpage = ($bn > 0) ? ''.$bn.'' : '0'; // get page referrers and create referrer link $refpage = ($rn > 0) ? ''.$rn.'' : '0'; // build table body $htmlout .= "\n"; if ($r_color == 1) { $htmlout .= "\n"; #enable alternate row color } else { $htmlout .= "\n"; #disable alternate row color } $htmlout .=" \n". # modified JW 2005-07-19 " \n". " \n". " \n". " \n". " \n". " \n". " \n". " \n". " \n". " \n". " \n\n"; //increase row counter ----- alternate row colors if ($r_color == 1) $r++; } $htmlout .= '
".$showpage."".$owner."".$user."0)? 'title="['.$page['note'].']"' : 'title="'.NO_EDIT_NOTE.'"').">".$lastedit."".$hitspage."".$revpage."".$commentspage."".$backlinkpage."".$refpage."".$editpage." :: ".$deletepage." :: ".$clonepage." :: "./*$renamepage*." :: ".*/$aclpage." :: ".$infopage."
'."\n"; // print the table echo $this->FormOpen('','','get'); echo $htmlout; // multiple-page operations (forthcoming) JW 2005-07-19 accesskey removed (causes more problems than it solves) echo '
'; echo ' '; echo '
'; echo $this->FormClose(); } else { // no records matching the search string: print error message echo '

'.sprintf(ERROR_NO_MATCHES, $q).'

'; } } } else { // current user is not admin: show plain page index echo $this->Action('pageindex'); } ?> %% ===New CSS classes=== The styling of the tables requires a bunch of [[TableStyling new CSS classes]]. ---- ==== Styling options ==== The ##pageadmin## action accepts two optional styling parameters: ##colcolor## Enables color for statistics columns 1: enables colored columns (default); 0: disables colored columns; ##rowcolor## Enables alternate row colors 1: enables colored rows (default); 0: disables colored rows; The following examples show how the table is rendered using these two parameters: **No styling:** ##""{{pageadmin colcolor="0" rowcolor="0"}}""## ""
Page Name Owner Last Author Last Edit Hits Revisions Comments Backlinks Referrers Actions
UserAdmin DarTar DarTar 2005-08-01 14:48:30 0 57 7 19 54 edit :: delete :: clone :: acl :: info
LastUsers DarTar DarTar 2005-08-01 14:44:39 0 1 0 1 0 edit :: delete :: clone :: acl :: info
TableStyling DarTar DarTar 2005-08-01 14:37:32 0 2 0 1 0 edit :: delete :: clone :: acl :: info
"" **Alternate rows only:** ##""{{pageadmin colcolor="0"}}""## ""
Page Name Owner Last Author Last Edit Hits Revisions Comments Backlinks Referrers Actions
UserAdmin DarTar DarTar 2005-08-01 14:48:30 0 57 7 19 54 edit :: delete :: clone :: acl :: info
LastUsers DarTar DarTar 2005-08-01 14:44:39 0 1 0 1 0 edit :: delete :: clone :: acl :: info
TableStyling DarTar DarTar 2005-08-01 14:37:32 0 2 0 1 0 edit :: delete :: clone :: acl :: info
"" **Colored columns only:** ##""{{pageadmin rowcolor="0"}}""## ""
Page Name Owner Last Author Last Edit Hits Revisions Comments Backlinks Referrers Actions
UserAdmin DarTar DarTar 2005-08-01 14:48:30 0 57 7 19 54 edit :: delete :: clone :: acl :: info
LastUsers DarTar DarTar 2005-08-01 14:44:39 0 1 0 1 0 edit :: delete :: clone :: acl :: info
TableStyling DarTar DarTar 2005-08-01 14:37:32 0 2 0 1 0 edit :: delete :: clone :: acl :: info
"" **Alternate rows and colored columns:** ##""{{pageadmin}}""## ""
Page Name Owner Last Author Last Edit Hits Revisions Comments Backlinks Referrers Actions
UserAdmin DarTar DarTar 2005-08-01 14:48:30 0 57 7 19 54 edit :: delete :: clone :: acl :: info
LastUsers DarTar DarTar 2005-08-01 14:44:39 0 1 0 1 0 edit :: delete :: clone :: acl :: info
TableStyling DarTar DarTar 2005-08-01 14:37:32 0 2 0 1 0 edit :: delete :: clone :: acl :: info
"" ---- CategoryDevelopmentActions CategoryDevelopmentAdmin