Wiki source for PicasaAction
=====Picasa Action=====
>>==See also:==
Documentation: PicasaActionInfo.>>This is the development page for the Picasa Action. You can now integrate a picasa web album into your wikka wiki. Check this site for an example: .::c::
This action is a implementation of a JavaScript Picasa album integration. Original author is Dieter Raber and it has been adapted by Jeroen Diderik. License:
You need a one-liner action file, called picasa.php and you just link to the javascript file below.
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
Copy the following code to a file called (replace it with your wikka address and change your picasa username)
* @author Dieter Raber <[email protected]>
* @copyright 2004-12-27
* @version 1.0
* @license
* @adaptor Jeroen Diderik <[email protected]>
* @source
* @copyright 2007-08-01
* @version 1.5
* @adaptor RaffaR <>
* @source
* @copyright 2008-05-20
* @version 1.5wikka
//User variables to set
var photosize = 800; //return maximum size picture (see for supported format:
var thumbsize = 144; //size thumb /cropped(see for supported format:
var albumcols = 3; // distribute thumbs on main page over x collums
var cols = 4; // distribute thumbs on albumphotos page over x collums
var maxresults = 24; //maximum of pictures on albumphotos page
var username = 'youruserid'; //userid
function readGet(){
var _GET = new Array(); var uriStr = window.location.href.replace(/&/g, '&'); var paraArr, paraSplit;
if(uriStr.indexOf('?') > -1){ var uriArr = uriStr.split('?');var paraStr = uriArr[1];}else{return _GET;}
if(paraStr.indexOf('&') > -1){paraArr = paraStr.split('&');}else{paraArr = new Array(paraStr);}
for(var i = 0; i < paraArr.length; i++){paraArr[i] = paraArr[i].indexOf('=') > -1 ? paraArr[i] : paraArr[i] + '=';paraSplit = paraArr[i].split('='); _GET[paraSplit[0]] = decodeURI(paraSplit[1].replace(/\+/g, ' '));}
return _GET;
}; var _GET = readGet();
if(!photosize){photosize = 512;}
var si = _GET['si'];
if(!si){si = 1}else{si=Number(si)};
function $(a){document.write(a);}
function formatDate(dt){
var months = new Array(12);months[0] = "January";months[1] = "February";months[2] = "March";months[3] = "April";months[4] = "May";months[5] = "June";months[6] = "July";months[7] = "August";months[8] = "September";months[9] = "October";months[10] = "November";months[11] = "December";
var today = new Date(Number(dt));
var year = today.getYear(); if(year<1000){ year+=1900 };
return ( months[(today.getMonth())] + " " + today.getDate() + ", " + year);
function formatDateTime(dt){
var today = new Date(Number(dt));
var year = today.getYear(); if(year<1000){ year+=1900 };
return (today.getDate() + "-" + (today.getMonth()+1) + "-" + year + " " + today.getHours() + ":" + (today.getMinutes()<10 ? "0"+today.getMinutes() : today.getMinutes()) );
function picasaweb(j){ //returns the list of all albums for the user
$("<center><table><tr><td colspan='"+albumcols+"'><b>Albums<b></td></tr><tr>");
var id_base = j.feed.entry[i].gphoto$id.$t;
var album_date = formatDate(j.feed.entry[i].gphoto$timestamp.$t);
$("<td valign=top align=center><a class='standard' href='" + window.location.protocol + "//" + window.location.hostname+window.location.pathname+"?page="+_GET['page']+"&albumid="+id_base+"'><img src='"+j.feed.entry[i].media$$thumbnail[0].url+"?imgmax="+thumbsize+"&crop=1' class='pwimages' /></a>");
$("<br><a class='standard' href='" + window.location.protocol + "//" + window.location.hostname+window.location.pathname+"?page="+_GET['page']+"&albumid="+id_base+"'>"+ j.feed.entry[i].title.$t +"</a><br/>"/*+album_date+" "*/+j.feed.entry[i].gphoto$numphotos.$t+" photos</center></td>");
if (i % albumcols == (albumcols-1)) {$("</tr><tr><td colspan='"+albumcols+"'><hr/></td></tr><tr>");}
function albums(j){ //returns all photos in a specific album
//get the number of photos in the album
var np = j.feed.openSearch$totalResults.$t;
var loc = j.feed.gphoto$location.$t;
var desc = j.feed.subtitle.$t;
var album_date = formatDate(j.feed.gphoto$timestamp.$t);
var item_plural = "s";
if (np == "1") { item_plural = ""; }
var photoids = new Array();
var len = j.feed.entry.length;
$("<center><table border=0><tr>");
$("<tr><td colspan='"+cols+"'><a class='standard' href='" + window.location.protocol + "//" + window.location.hostname+window.location.pathname+"?page="+_GET['page']+"'><<< Albums</a> > "+ j.feed.title.$t +"<br/>");
$("<blockquote><div style='margin-left:3px'><h4>"+ j.feed.title.$t +"</h4></div>");
$("<div style='margin-left:3px'><i>"+np+" photo"+item_plural+", "+album_date+", "+loc+"</i></div>");
$("<div style='margin-left:3px'><b>"+desc+"</b></div>");
$("<div style='margin-left:3px'><a href='"+username+"/"+j.feed.gphoto$name.$t+"/photo#s"+j.feed.entry[0].gphoto$id.$t+"' rel='gb_page_center[520,400]' target='_new'>View as slideshow</a></div></blockquote><br/>");
// get the list of all photos referenced in the album and display;
// also stored in an array (photoids) for navigation in the photo view (passed via the URL)
var id_base = j.feed.entry[i].gphoto$id.$t;
photoids[i]=id_base; //must be pre-loaded before the URLs are generated. That's why we need to run the loop twice.
//create paging navigation
pageCount = (np/maxresults);
var ppage = "previous | ", npage = "| next";
ppage = "<a href='" + window.location.protocol + "//" + window.location.hostname+window.location.pathname+"?page="+_GET['page']+"&albumid="+_GET['albumid']+"&si="+(si-maxresults)+"'>previous</a> | "
npage = "| <a href='" + window.location.protocol + "//" + window.location.hostname+window.location.pathname+"?page="+_GET['page']+"&albumid="+_GET['albumid']+"&si="+(si+maxresults)+"'>next</a>"
var navRow = "<tr><td colspan='"+cols+"'>" +ppage + "Page ";
if(si == ((i*maxresults)+1)){
navRow += "<b>["+(i+1)+"]</b> ";
navRow += "<a href='" + window.location.protocol + "//" + window.location.hostname+window.location.pathname+"?page="+_GET['page']+"&albumid="+_GET['albumid']+"&si="+((i*maxresults)+1)+"'>"+(i+1)+"</a> "
navRow += npage + "</td></tr>"
var img_base = j.feed.entry[i].content.src;
var id_base = j.feed.entry[i].gphoto$id.$t;
var photoDate = j.feed.entry[i].exif$tags.exif$time ? formatDateTime(j.feed.entry[i].exif$tags.exif$time.$t) : "";
if (i>0){ var prev = j.feed.entry[i-1].gphoto$id.$t; }
if (i<len-1){ var next = j.feed.entry[i+1].gphoto$id.$t; }
//photo page
$("<td valign=top><center><a href='" + window.location.protocol + "//" + window.location.hostname+window.location.pathname+"?page="+_GET['page']+"&albumid="+_GET['albumid']+"&photoid="+id_base+"&galleryname={"+j.feed.title.$t+"}&np="+np+"&prev="+prev+"&next="+next+"&photoids="+photoids+"&si="+si+"'><img src='"+img_base+"?imgmax="+thumbsize+"&crop=1' class='pwimages'/></a><br/>");
if (i % cols == (cols-1)) {$("</tr><tr><td colspan="+cols+"><hr size='1'/></td></tr><tr>");}
function photo(j){//returns exactly one photo
var img_title = j.entry.title.$t;
//get the dimensions of the photo we're grabbing; if it's smaller than our max width, there's no need to scale it up.
var img_width =$$content[0].width;
var img_height =$$content[0].height;
var img_base =$$content[0].url;
var photo_id = _GET['photoid'];
var album_id = _GET['albumid'];
var my_next = _GET['next'];
var my_prev = _GET['prev'];
var my_photoids = _GET['photoids'];
var my_numpics = _GET['np'];
var my_galleryname = _GET['galleryname'];
var my_fixed_galleryname = my_galleryname.slice(1, my_galleryname.length-1);
var album_base_path = window.location.protocol + "//" + window.location.hostname+window.location.pathname +"?page="+_GET['page']+"&si="+si+"&albumid="+ _GET['albumid'];
//Collect Exif info if available
var photo_exif = "<table><tr><td colspan=2><h3>Exchangeable Image File Data (Exif)</h3></td></tr>";
for(var exif in j.entry.exif$tags){
photo_exif += "<tr><td><b>"+exif.replace("exif$","")+":</b> </td><td>"+j.entry.exif$tags[exif].$t+"</td></tr>";
photo_exif += "</table>";
// Get the filename for display in the breadcrumbs
var LastSlash = 0;
var img_filename = img_title;
var photo_array = my_photoids.split(",");
//find preceding two and following two pictures in the array; used for the navigation arrows.
//the arrows are already linked to the previous and next pics, which were passed in with the URL.
//however, we need the ones that are two behind and two ahead so that we can pass that info along when we link to another photo.
//"pretty sneaky, sis."
if (photo_array[i]==photo_id){
var p2 = photo_array[i-2]; //ID of the picture two behind this one
var p1 = photo_array[i-1]; //ID of the picture one behind this one; if null, we're at the beginning of the album
var current_index = i + 1; //this is the count of the current photo
var n1 = photo_array[i+1]; //ID of the picture one ahead of this one; if null, we're at the end of the album
var n2 = photo_array[i+2]; //ID of the picture two ahead of this one
//these will be passed along if we move to the next or previous photo
var prev = album_base_path + "&photoid=" + p1 + "&np=" + my_numpics + "&galleryname=" + my_galleryname + "&next="+photo_id+ "&prev="+p2+"&photoids="+my_photoids;
var next = album_base_path + "&photoid=" + n1 + "&np=" + my_numpics + "&galleryname=" + my_galleryname + "&prev="+photo_id+ "&next="+n2+"&photoids="+my_photoids;
//Display the breadcrumbs
$("<center><table border='0'><tr><td valign='top' align='center'><a class='standard' href='"+ window.location.protocol + "//" + window.location.hostname+window.location.pathname+"?page="+_GET['page']+"'><<< Albums</a> > <a class='standard' href='" + album_base_path + "'>" + my_fixed_galleryname + "</a> > " + img_filename + " (" + (current_index+si-1) + " of " + my_numpics + ")<br>");
if (p1 == null){ var prev = album_base_path } //we're at the first picture in the album; going back takes us to the album index
if (n1 == null){ var next = album_base_path } //we're at the last picture in the album; going forward takes us to the album index
//the navigation panel: back, home, and next.
$("<table border=0><tr valign=top><td><a class='standard' href='"+prev+"'>previous</a> </td><td> </td><td><a class='standard' href='"+album_base_path+"'>album</a> </td><td> </td><td><a class='standard' href='"+next+"'>next</a></td></tr></table><br>");
if (img_width < photosize){ display_width = img_width; } //don't scale up photos that are narrower than our max width; disable this to set all photos to max width
//at long last, displayed the image and its description. photos larger than max_width are scaled down; smaller ones are left alone
$("<center><img id='picture' src='"+img_base+"?imgmax="+photosize+"' class='pwimages' /></center>");
$("<br><div style='margin-left:2px'>"$$description.$t+"</div>");
$("<br><div style='margin-left:2px'>"+photo_exif+"</div></td></tr></table></center>");
$('<script type="text/javascript" src="'+username+'/albumid/'+_GET['albumid']+'/photoid/'+_GET['photoid']+'?alt=json&callback=photo"></script>');//photo
}else if(_GET['albumid']&&!_GET['photoid']){
$('<script type="text/javascript" src="'+username+'/albumid/'+_GET['albumid']+'?category=photo&alt=json&callback=albums&max-results='+maxresults+'&start-index='+si+'"></script>');//albums
$('<script type="text/javascript" src="'+username+'?category=album&alt=json&callback=picasaweb&access=public"></script>');//picasaweb
//$Update: May 10, 2007$
//$Update: July 31, 2007, Jeroen Diderik$
//$Update: Januari 31, 2008, Jeroen Diderik$
//$Update: February 16, 2008, for, Frederic Gillardo$
//$Update: March 6, 2008, for, RaffaR, Fred. Gillardo$
//$Update: May 20, 2008, for, RaffaR$
Actually there is a newer version available: but I didn't had a look at it yet.
>>==See also:==
Documentation: PicasaActionInfo.>>This is the development page for the Picasa Action. You can now integrate a picasa web album into your wikka wiki. Check this site for an example: .::c::
This action is a implementation of a JavaScript Picasa album integration. Original author is Dieter Raber and it has been adapted by Jeroen Diderik. License:
You need a one-liner action file, called picasa.php and you just link to the javascript file below.
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
Copy the following code to a file called (replace it with your wikka address and change your picasa username)
* @author Dieter Raber <[email protected]>
* @copyright 2004-12-27
* @version 1.0
* @license
* @adaptor Jeroen Diderik <[email protected]>
* @source
* @copyright 2007-08-01
* @version 1.5
* @adaptor RaffaR <>
* @source
* @copyright 2008-05-20
* @version 1.5wikka
//User variables to set
var photosize = 800; //return maximum size picture (see for supported format:
var thumbsize = 144; //size thumb /cropped(see for supported format:
var albumcols = 3; // distribute thumbs on main page over x collums
var cols = 4; // distribute thumbs on albumphotos page over x collums
var maxresults = 24; //maximum of pictures on albumphotos page
var username = 'youruserid'; //userid
function readGet(){
var _GET = new Array(); var uriStr = window.location.href.replace(/&/g, '&'); var paraArr, paraSplit;
if(uriStr.indexOf('?') > -1){ var uriArr = uriStr.split('?');var paraStr = uriArr[1];}else{return _GET;}
if(paraStr.indexOf('&') > -1){paraArr = paraStr.split('&');}else{paraArr = new Array(paraStr);}
for(var i = 0; i < paraArr.length; i++){paraArr[i] = paraArr[i].indexOf('=') > -1 ? paraArr[i] : paraArr[i] + '=';paraSplit = paraArr[i].split('='); _GET[paraSplit[0]] = decodeURI(paraSplit[1].replace(/\+/g, ' '));}
return _GET;
}; var _GET = readGet();
if(!photosize){photosize = 512;}
var si = _GET['si'];
if(!si){si = 1}else{si=Number(si)};
function $(a){document.write(a);}
function formatDate(dt){
var months = new Array(12);months[0] = "January";months[1] = "February";months[2] = "March";months[3] = "April";months[4] = "May";months[5] = "June";months[6] = "July";months[7] = "August";months[8] = "September";months[9] = "October";months[10] = "November";months[11] = "December";
var today = new Date(Number(dt));
var year = today.getYear(); if(year<1000){ year+=1900 };
return ( months[(today.getMonth())] + " " + today.getDate() + ", " + year);
function formatDateTime(dt){
var today = new Date(Number(dt));
var year = today.getYear(); if(year<1000){ year+=1900 };
return (today.getDate() + "-" + (today.getMonth()+1) + "-" + year + " " + today.getHours() + ":" + (today.getMinutes()<10 ? "0"+today.getMinutes() : today.getMinutes()) );
function picasaweb(j){ //returns the list of all albums for the user
$("<center><table><tr><td colspan='"+albumcols+"'><b>Albums<b></td></tr><tr>");
var id_base = j.feed.entry[i].gphoto$id.$t;
var album_date = formatDate(j.feed.entry[i].gphoto$timestamp.$t);
$("<td valign=top align=center><a class='standard' href='" + window.location.protocol + "//" + window.location.hostname+window.location.pathname+"?page="+_GET['page']+"&albumid="+id_base+"'><img src='"+j.feed.entry[i].media$$thumbnail[0].url+"?imgmax="+thumbsize+"&crop=1' class='pwimages' /></a>");
$("<br><a class='standard' href='" + window.location.protocol + "//" + window.location.hostname+window.location.pathname+"?page="+_GET['page']+"&albumid="+id_base+"'>"+ j.feed.entry[i].title.$t +"</a><br/>"/*+album_date+" "*/+j.feed.entry[i].gphoto$numphotos.$t+" photos</center></td>");
if (i % albumcols == (albumcols-1)) {$("</tr><tr><td colspan='"+albumcols+"'><hr/></td></tr><tr>");}
function albums(j){ //returns all photos in a specific album
//get the number of photos in the album
var np = j.feed.openSearch$totalResults.$t;
var loc = j.feed.gphoto$location.$t;
var desc = j.feed.subtitle.$t;
var album_date = formatDate(j.feed.gphoto$timestamp.$t);
var item_plural = "s";
if (np == "1") { item_plural = ""; }
var photoids = new Array();
var len = j.feed.entry.length;
$("<center><table border=0><tr>");
$("<tr><td colspan='"+cols+"'><a class='standard' href='" + window.location.protocol + "//" + window.location.hostname+window.location.pathname+"?page="+_GET['page']+"'><<< Albums</a> > "+ j.feed.title.$t +"<br/>");
$("<blockquote><div style='margin-left:3px'><h4>"+ j.feed.title.$t +"</h4></div>");
$("<div style='margin-left:3px'><i>"+np+" photo"+item_plural+", "+album_date+", "+loc+"</i></div>");
$("<div style='margin-left:3px'><b>"+desc+"</b></div>");
$("<div style='margin-left:3px'><a href='"+username+"/"+j.feed.gphoto$name.$t+"/photo#s"+j.feed.entry[0].gphoto$id.$t+"' rel='gb_page_center[520,400]' target='_new'>View as slideshow</a></div></blockquote><br/>");
// get the list of all photos referenced in the album and display;
// also stored in an array (photoids) for navigation in the photo view (passed via the URL)
var id_base = j.feed.entry[i].gphoto$id.$t;
photoids[i]=id_base; //must be pre-loaded before the URLs are generated. That's why we need to run the loop twice.
//create paging navigation
pageCount = (np/maxresults);
var ppage = "previous | ", npage = "| next";
ppage = "<a href='" + window.location.protocol + "//" + window.location.hostname+window.location.pathname+"?page="+_GET['page']+"&albumid="+_GET['albumid']+"&si="+(si-maxresults)+"'>previous</a> | "
npage = "| <a href='" + window.location.protocol + "//" + window.location.hostname+window.location.pathname+"?page="+_GET['page']+"&albumid="+_GET['albumid']+"&si="+(si+maxresults)+"'>next</a>"
var navRow = "<tr><td colspan='"+cols+"'>" +ppage + "Page ";
if(si == ((i*maxresults)+1)){
navRow += "<b>["+(i+1)+"]</b> ";
navRow += "<a href='" + window.location.protocol + "//" + window.location.hostname+window.location.pathname+"?page="+_GET['page']+"&albumid="+_GET['albumid']+"&si="+((i*maxresults)+1)+"'>"+(i+1)+"</a> "
navRow += npage + "</td></tr>"
var img_base = j.feed.entry[i].content.src;
var id_base = j.feed.entry[i].gphoto$id.$t;
var photoDate = j.feed.entry[i].exif$tags.exif$time ? formatDateTime(j.feed.entry[i].exif$tags.exif$time.$t) : "";
if (i>0){ var prev = j.feed.entry[i-1].gphoto$id.$t; }
if (i<len-1){ var next = j.feed.entry[i+1].gphoto$id.$t; }
//photo page
$("<td valign=top><center><a href='" + window.location.protocol + "//" + window.location.hostname+window.location.pathname+"?page="+_GET['page']+"&albumid="+_GET['albumid']+"&photoid="+id_base+"&galleryname={"+j.feed.title.$t+"}&np="+np+"&prev="+prev+"&next="+next+"&photoids="+photoids+"&si="+si+"'><img src='"+img_base+"?imgmax="+thumbsize+"&crop=1' class='pwimages'/></a><br/>");
if (i % cols == (cols-1)) {$("</tr><tr><td colspan="+cols+"><hr size='1'/></td></tr><tr>");}
function photo(j){//returns exactly one photo
var img_title = j.entry.title.$t;
//get the dimensions of the photo we're grabbing; if it's smaller than our max width, there's no need to scale it up.
var img_width =$$content[0].width;
var img_height =$$content[0].height;
var img_base =$$content[0].url;
var photo_id = _GET['photoid'];
var album_id = _GET['albumid'];
var my_next = _GET['next'];
var my_prev = _GET['prev'];
var my_photoids = _GET['photoids'];
var my_numpics = _GET['np'];
var my_galleryname = _GET['galleryname'];
var my_fixed_galleryname = my_galleryname.slice(1, my_galleryname.length-1);
var album_base_path = window.location.protocol + "//" + window.location.hostname+window.location.pathname +"?page="+_GET['page']+"&si="+si+"&albumid="+ _GET['albumid'];
//Collect Exif info if available
var photo_exif = "<table><tr><td colspan=2><h3>Exchangeable Image File Data (Exif)</h3></td></tr>";
for(var exif in j.entry.exif$tags){
photo_exif += "<tr><td><b>"+exif.replace("exif$","")+":</b> </td><td>"+j.entry.exif$tags[exif].$t+"</td></tr>";
photo_exif += "</table>";
// Get the filename for display in the breadcrumbs
var LastSlash = 0;
var img_filename = img_title;
var photo_array = my_photoids.split(",");
//find preceding two and following two pictures in the array; used for the navigation arrows.
//the arrows are already linked to the previous and next pics, which were passed in with the URL.
//however, we need the ones that are two behind and two ahead so that we can pass that info along when we link to another photo.
//"pretty sneaky, sis."
if (photo_array[i]==photo_id){
var p2 = photo_array[i-2]; //ID of the picture two behind this one
var p1 = photo_array[i-1]; //ID of the picture one behind this one; if null, we're at the beginning of the album
var current_index = i + 1; //this is the count of the current photo
var n1 = photo_array[i+1]; //ID of the picture one ahead of this one; if null, we're at the end of the album
var n2 = photo_array[i+2]; //ID of the picture two ahead of this one
//these will be passed along if we move to the next or previous photo
var prev = album_base_path + "&photoid=" + p1 + "&np=" + my_numpics + "&galleryname=" + my_galleryname + "&next="+photo_id+ "&prev="+p2+"&photoids="+my_photoids;
var next = album_base_path + "&photoid=" + n1 + "&np=" + my_numpics + "&galleryname=" + my_galleryname + "&prev="+photo_id+ "&next="+n2+"&photoids="+my_photoids;
//Display the breadcrumbs
$("<center><table border='0'><tr><td valign='top' align='center'><a class='standard' href='"+ window.location.protocol + "//" + window.location.hostname+window.location.pathname+"?page="+_GET['page']+"'><<< Albums</a> > <a class='standard' href='" + album_base_path + "'>" + my_fixed_galleryname + "</a> > " + img_filename + " (" + (current_index+si-1) + " of " + my_numpics + ")<br>");
if (p1 == null){ var prev = album_base_path } //we're at the first picture in the album; going back takes us to the album index
if (n1 == null){ var next = album_base_path } //we're at the last picture in the album; going forward takes us to the album index
//the navigation panel: back, home, and next.
$("<table border=0><tr valign=top><td><a class='standard' href='"+prev+"'>previous</a> </td><td> </td><td><a class='standard' href='"+album_base_path+"'>album</a> </td><td> </td><td><a class='standard' href='"+next+"'>next</a></td></tr></table><br>");
if (img_width < photosize){ display_width = img_width; } //don't scale up photos that are narrower than our max width; disable this to set all photos to max width
//at long last, displayed the image and its description. photos larger than max_width are scaled down; smaller ones are left alone
$("<center><img id='picture' src='"+img_base+"?imgmax="+photosize+"' class='pwimages' /></center>");
$("<br><div style='margin-left:2px'>"$$description.$t+"</div>");
$("<br><div style='margin-left:2px'>"+photo_exif+"</div></td></tr></table></center>");
$('<script type="text/javascript" src="'+username+'/albumid/'+_GET['albumid']+'/photoid/'+_GET['photoid']+'?alt=json&callback=photo"></script>');//photo
}else if(_GET['albumid']&&!_GET['photoid']){
$('<script type="text/javascript" src="'+username+'/albumid/'+_GET['albumid']+'?category=photo&alt=json&callback=albums&max-results='+maxresults+'&start-index='+si+'"></script>');//albums
$('<script type="text/javascript" src="'+username+'?category=album&alt=json&callback=picasaweb&access=public"></script>');//picasaweb
//$Update: May 10, 2007$
//$Update: July 31, 2007, Jeroen Diderik$
//$Update: Januari 31, 2008, Jeroen Diderik$
//$Update: February 16, 2008, for, Frederic Gillardo$
//$Update: March 6, 2008, for, RaffaR, Fred. Gillardo$
//$Update: May 20, 2008, for, RaffaR$
Actually there is a newer version available: but I didn't had a look at it yet.