Revision [16784]

This is an old revision of PopOutSideMenu made by GxtCwr on 2007-05-31 10:48:05.


This is a modification of a script obtained from I use it as a popout menu from the left side on all of the admin pages on my site, but you could use it for anything...and even make it dynamic I suppose so you could load items in as a paramter string. You have to do two things....(1) put the first set of code in the header.php file just before and (2) put the second set of code in the actions directory with whatever file name you want (I use sidemenu.php) and setting the pages and pagenames that you want (just replace mine). Then that action (e.g., {{sidemenu}}) can be placed on whatever pages you like. My wikka implementation also has another javascript drp-down menu and to get this to work with mine I had to comment out a line (See "Line below commented out by GMBowen....") so if you don't have that dropdown you may have to un-comment out the line. Have fun.

	#slidemenubar, #slidemenubar2{
	border:2px solid red;
	font:bold 11px Verdana;
	padding: 3px;

<script language="JavaScript1.2">

MODIFIED by GmBowen to work with Wikka Wiki, 2005, for a SSHRC research project.

var slidemenu_width = '145px';
specify width of menu (in pixels)
var slidemenu_reveal = '1px'; specify amount that menu should protrude initially
var slidemenu_top = '150px';
specify vertical offset of menu on page

var ns4 = document.layers?1:0;
var ie4 = document.all;
var ns6 = document.getElementById
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