Wiki source for RandomMail

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=====Fake-Mail action=====
Ok this code is for fun , but can be useful

use: fight spam engines to give them bucketloads of wrong emailadresses, to spoil their databases with an overflow of fictive adresses

application: paste this action with name: spamemail.php fe
classical action use: %%{{spamemail}}%% invokes this action
The fake email address is hidden from human visitors but will be collected by email-gathering-spambots.


%%(php) <?php
// coder: Paul Larmuseau
// use: fight spam engines to give them buckloads of wrong emailadresses, to spoil their databases with an overflow of fictive adresses
// it was nice and nifty programming anyway
srand((float) microtime()*1000000);
$fictiefemail = "";
for ($i = 1; $i <= $randomlengte; $i++) {
$fictiefemail .= chr(rand(97,122));
$fictiefemail .= "@";
for ($i = 1; $i <= $randomlengte; $i++) {
$fictiefemail .= chr(rand(97,122));
$fictiefemail .= ".com";
print ("<a href='mailto:$fictiefemail' style='display:none'>$fictiefemail</a>");

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