Regexpindex Action Documentation

Not included in official Wikka version

This is the documentation page for the Regexpindex action.


Short description
Displays the list of wiki pages whose tag matches a given regular expression.

restringrequiredThe regular expression to match the page tag against
catstringoptionalCategory filter: only pages belonging to the specified category are displayed
sortstringoptionaltagSort order of selected pages. Allowed values are 'tag' (sort on page tag), 'time' (sort on timestamp of last update, oldest first) and 'rtime' (sort on timestamp of last update, most recent first)
optsstringoptionalOptions: any combination of 'o' (display owner) and 't' (display page title)

Long description
This action displays an index of all the wiki's pages whose tag matches the characters pattern passed as the 're' parameter, using the regular expressions pattern matching technique. The regular expression string shall comply with the POSIX syntax.

An additional filtering possibility is to select only pages belonging to a given category by using the 'cat' parameter.
The layout and the sort order of the displayed pages list are controlled with the 'sort' and 'opts' parameters.


{{regexpindex re="myregexp" [cat="CategoryWiki"] [sort="time"] [opts="t"]}}



Displaying all pages whose name starts with a 'F' followed by 2 vowels:
{{regexpindex re="^F[aeiouy]{2}" opts="o"}}

will return a list similar to:

FeedbackAction . . . . Owner: DarTar
FeedbackActionUpgrade . . . . Owner: DarTar


Comment by DarTar
2007-09-27 05:26:50
nice addition DomBonj, I like the idea
Comment by DarTar
2008-03-29 05:21:16
DomBonj, thanks for the update - I think this would make a great addition to Wikka. I can think of several places where regex filtering would be useful:
- admin modules
- page index
- recent changes
- feeds
- textsearch

Maybe it's worth considering a core method instead?
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