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===== Smarty Pants: Smart typographic punctuation =====
>>Working for to
~&On large pages with some more than just a few comments, you might exceed PHP's available memory. Try setting the wikka.config.php option to 0, then. --MasinAlDujaili>>
//This page provides instructions on how to install a 3rd party formatting engine for smart typographic punctuation in WikkaWiki//

>>**See also**
~-[[ThirdPartyIntegration | Experimental 3rd party software integration in wikka]]
~-[[Docs:ThirdPartyInfo | 3rdparty software officially bundled with wikka]]

=== The functionality ===
[[ | PHP SmartyPants]] is a port to PHP (written by [[ | Michel Fortin]]) of the original [[ | SmartyPants]] written in Perl by John Gruber. SmartyPants is a free web publishing tool that translates plain ASCII punctuation characters into "smart" typographic punctuation HTML entities. SmartyPants can perform the following transformations:
~-Straight quotes ( " and ' ) and backticks-style quotes (`` ""''"") into curly quote HTML entities: “doublequotes” and ‘singlequotes’ ;
~-Dashes (##--## and ##""---""##) into en- and em-dash entities: - and — ;
~-Three consecutive dots (##...##) into an ellipsis entity (…).

SmartyPants does not modify characters within ##<pre>##, ##<code>##, ##<kbd>##, or ##<script>## tag blocks. Typically, these tags are used to display text where smart quotes and other "smart punctuation" would not be appropriate, such as source code or example markup.

==Known issues==
One situation in which quotes will get curled the wrong way is when apostrophes are used at the start of leading contractions. For example:
’Twas the night before Christmas.
In the case above, SmartyPants will turn the apostrophe into an opening single-quote, when in fact it should be a closing one. I don't think this problem can be solved in the general case - every word processor I've tried gets this wrong as well. In such cases, it's best to use the proper HTML entity for closing single-quotes by hand.

Installing SmartyPants in Wikka is straightforward and it only requires setting some configuration options in the original code.

===The steps===

==1. Get the code==
Download the latest version of [[]]

==2. Copy it in the wikka directory==
Unzip the SmartyPants folder and move it into ##/3rdparty/plugins##

==3. Modify the [[Docs:ConfigurationOptions | Wikka configuration file]]==
Add the following lines to ##wikka.config.php##:

"typography" => "1",
"smartypants_path" => "3rdparty/plugins/smartypants",

Make sure the smartypants path matches the path to the folder in which ##smartypants.php## can be found.

==4. Create a ##Typography()## method ==

Add the following function in ##wikka.php##, for example right after the ##GeSHi_Highlight()## function:

function Typography($text)
if (($this->GetConfigValue('typography') == 1) && file_exists($this->GetConfigValue('smartypants_path').'/smartypants.php'))
$text = SmartyPants($text);
return $text;


==5. Modify the formatter ==

Open ##./formatter/wakka.php##, scroll to the end of the file and add the following line, immediately before ##echo $text;##

$text = $this->Typography($text);

==6. Set SmartyPants configuration options ==

In order to make SmartyPants consistently work with Wikka, you should set the following options in:

# Globals:
$sp_tags_to_skip = '<(/?)(?:pre|code|kbd|script|math|form)[\s>]';

Make sure the ##$sp_tags_to_skip## pattern contains ##form## if you don't want punctuation to be parsed within forms. This is needed in case your Wikka runs beta extensions like GrabCodeHandler or MySkin, WikkaSkinEditor or WikkaSkinSelector.

//That's all folks...//

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