Wiki source for SparkOut

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==SparkOut== is a bit of a looney.

I started looking at WikkaWiki as it was something being evaluated by our puzzle forum members to see if we could use it for simultaneous solving information sharing while involved in complex online puzzle "hunts" hosted by various university organisations or other established puzzling communities.

We tried a variety, and I got hooked with WikkaWiki as it is such a clean environment.
There are some things I would like to see added, changed or improved, however and one thing in particular that was an issue for us is that the Wiki is hosted on a server which is 5 hours behind "forum time" so all edits and recent changes etc were shown with the wrong timestamp. I started looking at the code to try and get an idea of how things work, and am surprised how easy it is to get involved with the code, and make adjustments to suit us.

I notice that there is a ticket #252 to improve user timezone configuration, which is currently unassigned. However, in the meantime I made a few edits in recentchanges.php and Wakka.class.php to change the SQL insert query to make a timestamp based on the offset from server time instead of the SQL Now() statement. Now our Wiki is on the same time as the forum, which suits us (even though we do have some members in other timezones).

I will look into the community here and maybe see about (when I can work out where and how) posting this info in case anyone else wants to use the same workaround, pending the enhancements proposed under ticket #422 (and eventually #252).
Edit: ServertimeOffsetWorkaround created to provide workaround code hack details.

I will also look into wishlists. My main ones are an easier way to create a new page, instead of editing an existing page and adding the PageName, then editing the original page (which might have no reference to the new page). I think I have seen somewhere there is a user-submitted action for making new pages, which might be included as boilerplate text by another user-submitted action, but I'm not sure that it will create a new page with the boiler-plate code already inserted or whether it is necessary to add the action to the new page in order to draw up the boiler-plate text.

The other thing is category assignment, and formatting of the category lists. It would be great to have a hierarchical view of parents and children and bulleted lists inside the category headings instead of a pretty messy collection of any page that has a reference to the category. Assigning a page to a category by GUI checkbox or dropdown might be nice as well, to make it obvious to non-computer-savvy members to assign pages, instead of relying on them to understand the convention of how to put the Category code snippet in the page.

On the whole, I am extremely pleased with WikkaWiki and am getting quite comfortable with it.
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