====Spellcheck Hack for Wiki Pages==== Using ASpell and Spellerpages ---- Adding spell checking to your wiki pages isn't very difficult, here's how I did it: **Steps** ~- Download and install GNU ASpell and an ASpell dictionary from http://aspell.net/ if it isn't already installed (e.g., you're running Windows). ~- Download and unpack spellerpages from http://spellerpages.sourceforge.net/ -- put these files in wiki/3rdparty/plugins/speller. ~- Make the following changes to the spellerpages files: ~- In spellChecker.js: %% this.popUpUrl = '/speller/spellchecker.html'; this.spellCheckScript = '/speller/server-scripts/spellchecker.php'; %% ~...to... %% this.popUpUrl = [YOUR HARD-CODED PATH TO SPELLCHECKER.HTML]"; // For Example: this.popUpUrl = "http://www.notadomain.net/wiki/3rdparty/plugins/speller/spellchecker.html"; this.spellCheckScript = './server-scripts/spellchecker.php'; // note the '.' %% ~and: %% if( evalText ) { this.controlWin.evaluatedText.value = evalText; ww.setFocus( this.currentTextIndex, this.currentWordIndex ); this._getSuggestions( this.currentTextIndex, this.currentWordIndex ); } %% ~...becomes... %% if( evalText ) { // changes to prevent WikiWords from being checked: if (evalText.match(/[A-ZÄÖÜ]+[a-zßäöü]+[A-Z0-9ÄÖÜ][A-Za-z0-9ÄÖÜßäöü]*/) == null) { this.controlWin.evaluatedText.value = evalText; ww.setFocus( this.currentTextIndex, this.currentWordIndex ); this._getSuggestions( this.currentTextIndex, this.currentWordIndex ); } else { this.currentWordIndex++; this._spellcheck(); } } %% <'."\n". %% <